2024 Annual Summer Conference

June 7 8am-4pm online

June 8 8am-11:30am at

Lewis University, 

1111 22nd St, Oak Brook, IL

State Approved PD Provided 1-1

For more information or questions, contact Dr. Janis Fitzsimmons, Director of the Center for Success

Friday Opening Keynote: Teaching for Change in Schools

Cynthia Candido Nambo

Friday Keynote

The Keynote Challenge: Becoming Transformative Teachers: A Perspective from School Science

Dr. Daniel Morales-Doyle, UIC


Join us for sessions pertinent to Illinois educators of all levels, including preservice teachers.

Sessions include:



Book Raffles after each session!

Dr. Ava Belisle-Chatterjee

Dr. Gloria McDaniel-Hall 

Kristine Argue-Mason

Dr. Erica R. Dávila

Dr. Elvira Pichardo

Dr. Lindsay Meeker

Dr. Samantha Caesar

Mary Ellen Daneels

Dr. Barbara Randolph

Kevin Jones

Dr. Morris Jenkins

Dr. Anni Reinking

Anton Miglietta

Dr. Todd D. Oberg

Session Recordings and Materials

Dr. Daniel Morales-Doyle, UIC 

Keynote: Becoming Transformative Teachers: A Perspective from School Science Recording

REVISED 6.6.24 Center for Success Annual Conference Presentation Deck 6.7.2024 Chatterjee and McDaniel-Hall.pptx
Copy of The Antidote to Toxic Stress .pdf
Story of Me, Us, Now DAVILA and PICHARDO 6.7.24.pptx
Pictorial Problem Solving - A Missing Link.pptx
Pictorial Problem Solving Handouts.pdf
Translanguaging as a Culturally Responsive Practice -2.pdf