Research & Projects
Research Interests
I work in stochastic analysis and probabilistic treatments of gas dynamics, namely the Boltzmann equation. I examine stochastic processes whose laws are driven by kinetic equations and determine properties of these probability distributions. Other interests of mine are machine learning, stochastic neural networks, probabilistic number theory, martingale problems, the convergence of random series, and financial applications of stochastic analysis.
For projects I've advised, they have mainly focused on mathematical modelling, probability theory, analysis, data analysis or machine learning.
Publications and Papers
Weak convergence of Boltzmann-Enskog processes. (in preparation)
(with Barbara Rüdiger and Padmanabhan Sundar) Density valued solutions for the Boltzmann-Enskog process. (submitted)
(with Lisa Kuhn, Kaleb Champagne, & Keaton Pierson). Quintic and biquintic B-spline finite element solutions of clamped structures. International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 1–12. 2024.
(with Kaleb Champagne and Lisa Kuhn) Modified Bi-Cubic and Bi-Quintic B-Spline Basis Functions for Simulating a Thin Plate Structure. Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientific Computing (CSC). 2019.
(with Andrew Sievers, Lisa Kuhn, and Steele Russell) An analysis of MATLAB's software performance interfaced with high-level C language for expediting numerical integration technique. Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges 33, 4. 2018.
(with William Holland, Omer Mujawar, Aadit Narayanan, Frank Neubrander, Marie Neubrander, and Christina Simino) Words in Random Binary Sequences I. arXiv. (preprint) 2021.
Advised Projects
Here are some projects I've mentored or otherwise assisted with as a TA. These are all either at a high school or undergraduate level. Links are provided to either the project summary, slides, or poster where applicable.
Spring 2025: Exploratory Data Analysis of Math 1020/1021 Data
This is an ongoing project, where I am working with a team of undergraduate students in analyzing trends between grade items in two semesters of College Algebra, given slightly different course structures. We will also speculate student success using a small amount of grade items in the hopes of being able to identify students who need academic intervention the most in a given semester.
Spring 2024: Multiclass Machine Learning for Frog Egg Image Classification.
Fall 2023: Aquaponic Deep Water Systems
Summer 2022: Completeness of Distributions
Summer 2021: Dictionary Probabilities and Probabilities on the Integers
Summer 2020: Words in Random Binary Sequences.
There are not slides or a poster available online for this project. However, there is a preprint paper available on arXiv.
Projects, Schools and Workshops
I've been a part of research projects in my undergraduate career as well as my graduate career. Both undergraduate projects led to me getting a publication or opportunity to present work at a conference. Their associated papers are listed above. Below I will list a few workshops I've attended related to professional or academic development as well as projects I've worked on where applicable.
Summer 2024: Particle interactive systems: Analysis and computational methods at SLMath. Presented work on a project related to the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation.
Summer 2024: 42nd Finnish Summer School on Probability and Statistics. Attended virtually.
Summer 2024: 2024 LONI Scientific Computing Bootcamp at LSU. Received a certificate from NVIDIA on the fundamentals of deep learning after completion.
Fall 2023: Deep Learning with MATLAB: A Visual Approach at LSU. Attended and participated in a workshop on deep learning in MATLAB.
In addition to these, I've attended LSU SIAM Python Trainings as I've gained a good amount of interest in Python's use in data science and analysis. I've also been intrigued with its use in data visualization as well as its general use in numerical mathematics.