Our latest efficiency achievement of 28.6% is more than 1.5% above our record set last year and exceeds our own roadmap plan of 1% annual increases. These record-setting solar cells are made on the same production line as our 27% efficient commercial solar cells, which already meet strict performance and reliability targets.

This world record on a large-area cell is our second in two years and marks another milestone for our technology. The achievement also showcases our strong intellectual property and is a testament to the talent and commitment of our team.

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A spin-out of the University of Oxford, Oxford PV has been developing its perovskite-on-silicon technology based on research-sized cells at its R&D centre in Oxford, UK. Its production facility near Berlin, Germany, is focusing on scaling up and continuously improving the manufacturing of commercial-sized devices, and the company has recently registered a US subsidiary.

Oxford PV is a pioneer and technology leader in the field of perovskite solar cells. The company was established in 2010, as a spin-out from the University of Oxford. It focuses exclusively on developing and commercialising a perovskite-based solar technology. A research and development site in Oxford, UK, and an integrated production line near Berlin, Germany enable the accelerated transfer of its technology into industrial-scale perovskite-on-silicon tandem solar cell manufacturing.

Oxford PV has achieved a world-record efficiency of 28.6% for its commercial-sized perovskite-on-silicon tandem solar cell. The company has a clear roadmap to take this technology beyond 30% efficiency.

Responds to secondary infections by proliferating; also circulates in blood, peripheral organs, and lymphoid organs, fighting secondary infections, but less so than Tem; that is, focuses on proliferating

Antigen-inexperienced cell that leaves the thymus and becomes an activated memory cell without first encountering an antigen; cytokines can activate this cell type; particularly important early in life, when immune system has not seen many antigens, and late in life, when it is weakened

When a pathogen enters the body and starts causing tissue damage, it triggers an inflammatory response that gets the attention of antigen-presenting cells (APCs), which monitor the environment and display bits of foreign proteins that they encounter using the major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC II) molecules located on their surfaces. Once they detect a pathogen, the APCs migrate to the spleen and lymph nodes, collectively known as secondary lymphoid organs, where naive T cells (and other T-cell types) await their call to duty.

When the infection is under control, most of the newly activated T cells die, but some of them remain as memory cells, which stay prepared to quickly combat another infection of the same type. Whereas activation of naive T cells takes more than a week, memory T cells can respond to a secondary infection within hours.

Neoantigens are those that are specific to tumors because they reflect tumor-specific mutations. T-cell therapies targeting neoantigens, therefore, should spare healthy tissues and have fewer side effects than those targeting antigens that are present in tumors and healthy tissues alike. THE SCIENTIST STAFF

You can hear him break down the technology, describe what SORT-seq is suited for, and go into detail about how Single Cell Discoveries offers single-cell sequencing as a service to biotech, pharma, and academia.

The podcast started in January 2023. Its target audience is scientists of varying levels of expertise, from curious beginner to full-fledged professionals. Episode guests are usually specialists in a particular single-cell field who explain a technology, application, or technical challenge.

Episodes include a conversation with Illumina product manager Sophie Wehrkamp-Richter on the marriage between next-generation and single-cell sequencing, and episode with Dr. Luciano Martelotto on single-nuclei sequencing, and more generally informative episodes on laboratory challenges faced by single-cell scientists.

Sickle cell disease (SCD), or sickle cell anaemia, is a major genetic disease that affects most countries in the African Region. In sickle cell disease, the normal round shape of red blood cells become like crescent moons. Round red blood cells can move easily through the blood vessels but sickled shaped cells interconnect and can result in blood clots.

These blood clots can cause extreme pain in the back, chest, hands and feet. The disrupted blood flow can also cause damage to bones, muscles and organs. People with sickle cell disease often feel weak, tired and look pale. The whites of the eyes and skin often have a yellowish tint.

Environmental factors often play a role in the occurrence of painful attacks. Common triggers include cold temperatures, dehydration, excessive amounts of exercise and tobacco smoke. Other triggers such as plane flights and high altitudes can also trigger an attack.

In the Region, the majority of children with the most severe form of the disease die before the age of 5, usually from an infection or severe blood loss. In countries such as Cameroon, Republic of Congo, Gabon, Ghana and Nigeria the prevalence is between 20% to 30% while in some parts of Uganda it is as high as 45%.

Sickle-cell disease and severe forms of thalassaemia (thalassaemia major) can occur only when both parents are carriers of trait genes for the particular condition. A child who inherits two of the same trait genes - one from each parent - will be born with the disease. However, a child of two carriers has only a 25% chance of receiving two trait genes and developing the disease, and a 50% chance of being a carrier. Most carriers lead completely normal, healthy lives.

Thalassaemia major requires regular blood transfusions to maintain an adequate supply of haemoglobin and sustain life. As a result of multiple transfusions, organs become severely overloaded with iron and a specific treatment is needed to manage this condition. Thalassaemias can be cured by a successful bone-marrow transplant, however this procedure is expensive and not readily available in most settings. Recently, gene therapy has been successfully applied to a patient with thalassaemia.

The most cost-effective strategy for reducing the burden of haemoglobin disorders is to complement disease management with prevention programmes. Inexpensive and reliable blood tests can identify couples at risk for having affected children. This screening is especially opportune before marriage or pregnancy, allowing couples to discuss the health of their family. Subsequent genetic counselling informs trait carriers of risks that the condition may be passed along to their children, the treatment needed, if affected by a haemoglobin disorder, and the possible options for the couple. Prenatal screening of genetic diseases raises specific ethical, legal and social issues that require appropriate consideration.

The governing bodies of WHO have adopted two resolutions on haemoglobin disorders. The resolution on sickle-cell disease from the 59th World Health Assembly in May 2006 and the resolution on thalassaemia from the 118th meeting of the WHO Executive Board call upon affected countries and the Secretariat of WHO to strengthen their response to these conditions. In addition, a resolution on the prevention and management of birth defects, including sickle-cell disease and thalassaemias, was adopted by the 63rd World Health Assembly in May 2010.

"This combination is also extremely light weight and stable against irradiation, and could be suitable for applications in satellite technology in space," says Prof. Dr. Steve Albrecht, HZB. These results, obtained in a big collaboration, have been just published in the journal JOULE.

"This time, we have connected the bottom cell (CIGS) directly with the top cell (perovskite), so that the tandem cell has only two electrical contacts, so-called terminals," explains Dr. Christian Kaufmann from PVcomB at HZB, who developed the CIGS bottom cell with his team and he adds "Especially the introduction of rubidium has significantly improved the CIGS absorber material."

Albrecht and his team have deposited in the HySPRINT lab at HZB the perovskite layer directly on the rough CIGS layer. "We used a trick that we had previously developed," explains former postdoc from Albrecht's group Dr. Marko Jot, who is now a scientist at the University of Ljubjana, Slovenia. They applied so-called SAM molecules to the CIGS layer, which form a self-organised monomolecular layer, improving the contact between perovskite and CIGS.

Since such "2 Terminal" tandem cells made of CIGS and perovskite now represent a separate category, the National Renewable Energy Lab NREL, USA, has created a new branch on the famous NREL chart for this purpose. This chart shows the development of efficiencies for almost all solar cell types since 1976. Perovskite compounds have only been included since 2013 -- the efficiency of this material class has increased more steeply than any other material.

Bringing together MNOs, neutral hosts, private network operators, infrastructure equipment vendors, silicon vendors, policy makers, and enterprises in one place, SCWS is a unique opportunity to share knowledge and network with industry peers.

From commercializing 5G and the roadmap to 2030 to aligning 6G evolution to real world requirements, from digital transformation to emerging business models, the agenda, curated by SCF, will explore the intersection of policy, technology, and partnerships.

June 19 was officially designated as World Sickle Cell Awareness Day. The international awareness day is observed annually with the goal to increase public knowledge and an understanding of sickle cell disease, and the challenges experienced by patients and their families and caregivers.

Shine the Light is a national awareness campaign to celebrate World Sickle Cell Day. We invite you to join with friends, family, neighbors and others in your community, as people around the nation and across the globe host and hold local gatherings to shine the light on sickle cell disease. Together, we must and will find a universal cure for sickle cell disease! Learn more.  152ee80cbc

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