
Your Giving Changes Lives


Thank you for giving so generously to the work God is doing through Celina Nazarene in this area and around the world! We are seeing lives being changed by Christ, and your faithfulness is helping make that happen.

How Do I Give?

1. Electronically                                                                                        

We offer 2 convenient electronic methods so you can give easily in the way that fits you best.

to your mobile devise and follow instructions. To set up giving through the app just type in "Celina Church of the Nazarene" and the church name should come up. Then provide your information to complete the set up.  

 2. "My Offering" Boxes

You may place cash or check into one of the offering boxes located in the East, West, and Center portions of the sanctuary. Be sure to include your name and address on the check or envelope if you want giving credit for tax purposes.

3. Mail

Mail in your offering to the church at 900 Fairground Rd, Celina OH.

4. Special Arrangements

Contact the Pastor to make othe arrangements.