All the T&C

Included here is the agreement that will need to be read and agreed to in the application.

Subheadings have been used to help break up the wall of text and * if further information available below.


By selecting I agree and submitting this application I :


acknowledge, and agree to follow and abide by Celebrate T21 Ambassadors guiding tenets:

  • Represent and embody Celebrate T21, our mission and values in not only how we participate, engage and appear on the Celebrate T21 social media(pages AND groups) BUT on our own social medias and in our communities

  • Participate regularly in our Ambassador based campaigns and projects*.

    • We know life throws it curveballs but all Ambassadors should be actively seeking campaigns they can participate in and touching base with us regularly about times they cannot (we understand and just want to make sure we are keeping in touch).

  • Promote Celebrate T21, its' campaigns, posts and appeals on social media** and in the community.

  • Engage in fundraising*** whether as a fundraiser organiser, collaborator, participant or promoter or all.

    • It is our goal as 2022 ambassadors this year to have raised a collective total of $5,000 which will go towards our very important gift packs.


acknowledge and understand that being a Celebrate T21 Ambassador is a volunteer position, and while I might get access to early releases or discounts I WILL NOT be paid for this position.


agree that any images, videos, stories submitted within this application OR in the event I am are selected to be a Celebrate T21 2021 ambassador any images, videos, stories, audio recordings and other project related requirements submitted hence forth can be used in social media campaigns, displayed on websites, blogs and other digital media run by Celebrate T21, printed campaigns and other campaigns in relation to Celebrate T21.


confirm that all the information I have included in this form is true and accurate as of the date of submission.

understand that I am responsible for keeping Celebrate T21 informed of any changes to the details given


understand and acknowledge that if accepted as an ambassador, I/applicant will be privy to confidential information inclusive of developing projects and campaigns, and agree to protect the information and not share Celebrate T21 developing ideas, projects and campaigns with other organisations/businesses/groups.



Acknowledge that by submitting this application and upon being selected that I will be expected to participate as part of our ambassador group in all of our ambassador campaigns and projects, and if we are unable to participate in a certain project to let Celebrate T21 know.


Agree to actively share Celebrate T21 content to our own public page or profile (posts to profile MUST be made public) and always share posts when a project/campaign goes live or we are asked by the Celebrate T21 team to help promote a particular Celebrate T21 post.

Agree to always tag Celebrate T21, partners and affiliates in any related posts via our @Celebrate T21 and #CelebrateT21, #CelebrateT21Ambassadors and any other project noted hashtags.


Acknowledge that by submitting this application and upon being selected that I will be expected to participate as part of our ambassador group to collectively fundraise towards our ambassador goal of $5,000.