Who can become an Ambassador?

All individuals with Down syndrome are invited to apply whether they had a prenatal or postnatal diagnosis, surgery or no surgery, live in the city or rural town or remote farm, live in Australia or Internationally, are young or old, can sign or talk or other, can walk or crawl or run or wheel... we want to show the world just how diverse and amazing our T21 family is!

How long is an Ambassadorship?

Our ambassadorships last for 1 year from February/March till January the following year.

We do have a couple of lifetime ambassadors and returning ambassadors who have taken on volunteer supportive roles in our team for agreed upon durations.

What does an Ambassadorship entail?

As an ambassador you will be working closely with the Celebrate T21 team and mentors to:

  • produce content for campaigns and projects

  • engage and assist with our social media groups such as T21 Celebrators and the social media image group

  • actively promote our campaigns and projects on social media and other desired outlets

  • participate in group based fundraising

For a full look at the role of an Ambassador click here

When will the 2022 ambassadors be announced?

After applications close on the 27th of January we will deliberate and make contact with the chosen Ambassadors before the 17th of February, official announcements will then begin from the 17th of February and run until the 21st of March 2022 (World Down syndrome Day)

Will Ambassadors receive free products or discounts?

This year we will be offering our 2022 Ambassadors a 10% discount on Celebrate T21 website items AND we will have a special exclusive 2022 Ambassador pack for purchase. This pack will include a 2022 exclusive ambassadors shirt, drink bottle, printed sign of logo for campaigns for $99.

Do Ambassadors get paid?

Our amazing Celebrate T21 ambassadorships, including our mentors and social media support team are VOLUNTEER positions and for that we are extremely grateful. All our fundraising goes towards the production of our gift packs, important books and getting our message out there.

Can previous Ambassadors reapply?

How could we say no? But we must advise that due to our ideal of showcasing just how diverse our T21 families are that we can not guarantee a return spot.

Everyone is welcome to join our Celebrate T21 Families group where you can still connect with all of us and hopefully (COVID withstanding) we will be organising some fun catch ups all around Australia and quite possibly the world!

Will Ambassadors need to be active on Social Media?

While you will not need to be on social media every second of every day, you will be required to check in regularly on social media to our Ambassador group to keep up with all our ongoing projects and be able to regularly share any required social media content to your personal profile or page.

Do ambassadors need to be savvy with phones, cameras or computers?

Ambassadors/ambassador families will not have to be tech savy BUT you will need to know:

  • how to take a photo/video with a camera/phone or tablet

  • able to cut down a video to a certain length (does not have to be polished)

Bonus points (we will have tutorials for these)

  • are able to upload images in a high quality

  • the difference between landscape, portrait and square in regards to photography/videography

  • an understanding of google drive or willingness to learn

Will ambassadors need to travel?

Predominantly all our ambassador campaigns and projects can be done in the comfort of your own home, however we do have regular photo shoots such as our Christmas T-Shirt shoot which would require being able to get to a certain location and is often done as a local call out.

We also hold social events; this year we will be having our Art Gallery, Picnic of the Green and Ball. These events are not mandatory to attend but are something we do that would require travelling.

Celebrate T21's founder Steph is based in the Illawarra region.

Do parents/guardians/carers appear in campaigns/projects?

While ambassadors will be the primary group appearing in our videos/photos we do often do call outs for parent/guardian/carer involvement in particular to things such as our 2022 Mother's Day, and Father's Day posts.

We have multiple children with down syndrome can all apply?

Absolutely! Though each child will need to have their own application completed.

We do not live in australia can we still apply?

We welcome International Ambassadors! Things to be aware though are:

  • Time zones, you will need to be aware of time zones in relation to any project due dates.

  • Unless (COVID withstanding) you are able to travel internationally you probably won't be able to participate in any of the Celebrate T21 social events in Australia BUT fingers crossed once we get the ball rolling with the T21 Celebrators (COVID again withstanding) we can organise some international catch ups!

We are having trouble completing the form what should we do?

If you are having trouble completing the form we recommend trying the form again on your computer and reminder that you will need a google account to complete this form. If you do not have a google account they are easy to make and will be used throughout the course of the ambassadorship.

If you have a google account (logged in when using the form) and have attempted on your computer send us a message asking for assistance via our Celebrate T21 facebook page