Broiler Chickens

We raise Cornish Cross chickens on pasture in huts called chicken tractors. Part of our daily routine is moving the tractors to fresh ground. This provides the chickens with a clean fresh area in which to live and forage. Each morning when the chickens are moved, listening to their chirping is reassurance to us that they are excited to be on the fresh new grass.

In addition to excitement, this fresh ground provides the chickens with new bugs, grasses, and worms to forage on. These elements as well as plenty of grain, and fresh water make up the chickens diet. Some sources say that pasture raised chicken has an estimated 50% more vitamin A, 30% less saturated fat and significantly higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids than conventionally raised broiler chicken. we aren't sure if this is accurate but can say that we've been told by consumers that this is some of the best chicken they have ever had.

We offer processed chickens by the pound, they can be bought one at a time or in bulk. They are available for on farm pick up, prearranged delivery, or at any of the farmers markets we attend. Please follow our social media pages for market announcements for the 2022 season.