WhatsApp Etiquettes

WhatsApp Group Etiquettes

(read out and discussed during the 35thMeeting of SIG-DSU on 17thmarch, 2018)

(i) Anything that you post must be absolutely DS relevant, the general rule to follow: read àcomment àpost, i.e. do not post anything without reading, do not just forward.

(ii) Do not post anything just because youfind them interesting.

(iii) Post items least likely to be found elsewhere.

(iv) Post news if relevant for blog entries, i.e. post as a way of ensuring blog-assistance.

(v) Do not disturb the flow of any on-going discussion, so read messages from before to see what’s being discussed.

(vi) Do not post daily news even if it has something to do with disability.

(vii)Do not post voice messages unless absolutely necessary, try voice typing (speech-to-text) instead, we are more patient with those. If at all you’re posting a voice message, make sure that no emotional or personal comments about self and other is included. Don’t record voice message just because you’re feeling lazy to type.

(viii) Do not engage in one-to-one chat in group, if you want to converse with someone, then seek a private channel outside the group.

(ix) Do not forward videos without seeing them or commenting on them first with regard to their relevance.

(x) If someone asks a question, try to answer it even if you’re not interested.

(xi) Keep photos and screenshots (perhaps also emojis) to a minimum, and if absolutely necessary, they must be accompanied by alternative textual descriptions.