Chapter 1 to 5

1.- Video Biomodle Mechanism Sustainable Tool a Balance of Three Environments, Federal Enterprise Architecture and Life Cycle

2.- Research

An Exploration of Green Job Policies, Theoretical Underpinnings, Measurement Approaches, and Job Growth Expectations

Employment Implications of Green Growth: Linking jobs, growth, and green policies OECD REPORT FOR THE G7 ENVIRONMENT MINISTERS

3.- Chapters

1. Drivers and Forces

A) Policy and Tax measures that translates into career opportunities. Identify how building systems work together to make buildings sustainable and healthy. Development of networking skills.

B) Sustainable virtual reality or in person walking tour to a green facility like UCLA Sustainable LEED Buildings.

2. Grading Green Systems

A) Green Infrastructure Projects: an overview of a project cycle and basic concepts as they relate to project execution. LEED rating systems for buildings, retrofit, and neighborhood, as well as ADA and Accessibility. Analyze where the green building industry is headed. Soft skill development to identify different personality types in order to improve outcomes and conversations.

B) Sustainable virtual reality or in person walking tour to a green facility like Watts Towers Arts Center Campus Tour

3. Life Cycle

A) Introduction and development of what the Life Cycle for sustainable thinking; program, design, construct, furnished and equipment, operate, maintain. Life Cycle and its connection to Natural Environment and STEAM Science Technology Engineering Art/Architecture and Mathematics training. Articulate economic and health benefits of sustainable development.

B) Sustainable virtual reality or in person walking tour to a green facility like LA Lakers Head Quarters* LEED and Materials

4. Enterprise Architecture Engineer

A) Introduction to Enterprise; procedure, performance, natural resources, human resources, data/spatial information, business and services. Analyze causes and impacts of climate change; water, food, poverty, energy, quality of air, soil, recycle, mobility. Solutions via Sustainable Design Goals and "just transition projects". Soft skill development by working on a team – conflict resolution.

B) Sustainable virtual reality or in person walking tour to a green facility like DWP Castaic Pumped Storage Facility

What is the life cycle?

What creates the green jobs economy? policy, incentives..

How what to read, watch or ponder augments our understanding of CDLA and your urban intervention?

Why is important to look at the interconnection among all environments for sustainability?

  1. Natural Environment: water, air, energy/fire, soil/materials/recycle, sprit/chi/energy(geometry)

  2. Built Envionment: life cycle, infrastructure, buildings, frwsm bridges, etc

  3. Social ENviornment: policies, procedures, law, etc regulations