Main research directions

Complex building design

Research in the field of complex architectural design creates the premises and enhances links with management and design, execution, production and site tracking companies involved in this field. Studies are focused on architectural design and complex design methods such as parametric design or IBM (Integrated Building Management) procedures.

Heritage restoration and regeneration

The main purpose of this field of research is to understand, analyse and adapt traditional values to contemporary needs through an interdisciplinary understanding of the general context, by understanding their link to various complementary fields: architecture, landscape, engineering, archaeology, archival, history, biology, chemistry, anthropology, art, etc. This approach leads to a strong connection between cultural heritage, the identity of the space and the socio-economic effects.

Urban planing and landscape design

In an interdisciplinary framework that addresses the problems of urban environments at different scales and involves academic specialists while encouraging discussions between representatives of local authorities and urban developers, this field addresses research directions, reflecting the problems of a world affected by globalisation and offers numerous opportunities for learning, education and involvement in the area.

Furniture design and interior architecture

The primary purpose of this field is to provide a complex, multidisciplinary and analytical approach to the correct identification of problems and an efficient formulation of solutions related to furniture design and interior architecture. At the same time, the field opens a variety of research directions, which emphasise its complexity.