
The main purpose of the Urban Planning and Architecture research centre is to advance conceptual, scientific and applicative understandings of architecture, interior design, urbanism, built environment and heritage conservation.

Depending on the nature of the activities carried out, the CCAC receives funding through international grants and national contracts.



1. ”Triplex Confinium” ERASMUS K203 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP . 2019-1-RO01-KA203-063881 (2019-2021)

Research team: Cristian Blidariu, Ioan Andreescu, Oana Simionescu, Ana-Maria Branea, Mihai Danciu, Bogdan Demetrescu, Bogdan Isopescu

2. Educația în Facultăți de Arhitectură (2018-2021)

Research team: Anamaria Andreea Anghel, Diana Giurea, Irina Mohora, Daniela Negrisanu, Cristina Maria Povian, Andrei Racolta, Mirela Szitar, Blidariu Cristian


1. Vulnerabilitatea clădirilor istorice (2018-2021)

Research team: Marius Moșoarcă, Dragoș Bocan, Alexandra Keller, Nicola Chieffo, Iasmina Onescu, Eugen Onescu

2. Mănăstirea Bezdin – proiect de restaurare și regenerare (2018-2020)

Research team: Ioan Andreescu, Marius Mosoarca, Gabriela Domokoș-Pașcu, Maja Bâldea, Ileana Kisilewicz

3. Castel Banloc – proiect de restaurare și regenerare (2020-2021)

Research team: Ioan Andreescu, Marius Mosoarca, Ileana Kisilewicz, Gabriela Domokoș-Pașcu,Alexandra Keller

4. Reabilitatea termică a clădirilor istorice (2018-2021)

Research team: Cătălina Bocan, Dragoș Bocan, Alexandra Keller


1. DANube Urban Brand + Building Regional and Local Resilience through the Valorization of Danube’s Cultural Heritage (DANUrB +) (2019-2021)

Research team: Ana-Maria Branea, Marius Găman, Mihai Danciu, Gabriela Domokoș-Pașcu, Ștefana Bădescu, Robert Budau, Alexandru Todirica

2. „Plan Urbanistic General pentru Comuna Orăștioara de Sus (jud. Hunedoara)” - BC107/21.11.2017 (2018-2021)

Research team: Cătălina Bocan, Mihai Danciu, Gabriela Domokoș-Pașcu, Maja Bâldea, Alexandra Keller

3. „Plan Urbanistic Zonal pentru Zona Vicol, Herculane, UTR 3” - BC34/02.04.2019 (2018-2021)

Research team: Cătălina Bocan, Marius Găman, Ana-Maria Branea


1. Sisteme Modulare Interactive pentru Pereţi Vegetali (MODular GREen Walls- MODGREW) (2018-2020)

Research team: Anamaria Andreea Anghel, Diana Giurea, Camil Milincu, Irina Mohora

International grants:

"Triplex Confinium" ERASMUS K203 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP. 2019-1-RO01-KA203-063881

The partnership addresses gaps and mismatches between each partner country's spatial policies as well as educational trends by acknowledging that difference is just as important as semblance.

The main objective of the project is to create a curriculum for a master course in architectural higher education. In order to do so the partners will work on developing the theoretical backbone of the program and on testing several teaching methods. In this sense we believe that our project will cover certain skill gaps in existing curriculum and tackle mismatches between the current educational offer of architecture schools and what is required within the professional environment. The project will provide insight into how partner universities approach the issue of transnational spaces and the impact of national borders on the development of communities that exist in border areas.

Research team – Cristian Blidariu, Ioan Andreescu, Oana Simionescu, Ana-Maria Branea, Mihai Danciu, Bogdan Demetrescu, Bogdan Isopescu

DANube Urban Brand + Building Regional and Local Resilience through the Value of Danube's Cultural Heritage (DANUrB +) - Interreg Danube/ DTP3-433-2.2/ 1.06.2020

Politehnica University Timisoara is the coordinator of activities in the middle section of the Danube, together with the University of Belgrade, being responsible for carrying out the following activities: organising meetings, discussions, analyses, collaborations with local partners in the Danube area, of potential partners, conducting training and improvement sessions of local cultural, economic initiatives, facilitating the formation of interregional cooperation networks, facilitating the development of competitive regions, organising study visits in regions that have overcome similar problems with local partners.

A significant aspect is the creation of a database reflected in an Atlas of the Danube regions, focusing on settlements, culture and local values and conducting an analysis of local heritage with the potential to facilitate the development of the region. Also, together with partners, UPT will be the developer of a regional development strategy, complemented by local plans and technical documentation for a local objective, in order to access external financing.

Research team – Ana-Maria Branea, Marius Găman, Mihai Danciu, Gabriela Domokoș-Pașcu, Ștefana Bădescu, Robert Budau, Alexandru Todirica

COST Action CA20139, Holistic design of taller timber buildings (HELEN)

The HELEN COST Action brings together stakeholders from multidisciplinary backgrounds: industry, SMEs, academia, research institutes, governmental organisations and NGOs from Europe and other continents.

The main objective of the HELEN COST Action is to foster international interest and effort in developing a shared understanding and deriving common guidelines for the Holistic dEsign of talLer timbEr buildiNgs. The synergistic HELEN network is formed by a large group of experts from a wide field of the built environment sector, where researchers and industrial partners can exchange knowledge and skills that have historically been isolated to individual research fields. This will be carried out through the sharing of technical and scientific skills from the different and diverse research profiles within the network as well as their research facilities.

Research team – Marius Moșoarcă, Mihai Fofiu, Bogdan-Liviu Isopescu, Alexandra-Iasmina Keller, Iasmina Onescu, Cristina-Maria Povian, Valeriu Stoian

National research contracts:

MODular GREen Walls – MODGREW

Total value: 47.600 RON

MODGREW, modular green wall, is an interactive system that reacts to external stimuli while using actuators and natural properties of the component materials.

The goal of the project is based on studies of natural elements` response to external stimuli. The study of modular green/vegetated wall systems aims to determine optimal responsive surface organisations, while testing materials and geometry in various conditions. The project uses digital modelling based on algorithms for simulation and testing of prototypes.

The green installation concept is made out of interactive modular systems that unites previous experiments accomplished by the research team members into a new, living, dynamic, interactive structure whose inspiration is taken from nature while using biomimicry as main principle for its development. This new concept responds and is influenced by external, natural stimuli or by the human factor. We added a new direction to the research in order to use simple materials (wood / pvc) that react to external environmental stimuli (humidity, light, movement). We aim to use the minimum required sensors to supplement certain actions in a simple "natural" manner for one of the 2 systems.

Research team – Anamaria Andreea Anghel, Diana Giurea, Camil Milincu, Irina Mohora

Research contract: "General Urban Plan for the Municipality of Orăștiara de Sus (jud. Hunedoara)" - BC107/21.11.2017

Total value: 112,000 RON

In order to eliminate existing dysfunctionalities and correlation with current and future interests, the research proposes an integrated multi-criteria analysis performed by a multidisciplinary team. Based on this analysis, field-based studies are developed for problems requiring detailed technical expertise and conclusions drawn, which are decisive in developing regulations suitable for settlements belonging to the municipality of Orăștioara de Sus. The proposals for the new General Urbanistic Plan (P.U.G.) shall be drawn based on the analysis of the existing situation, the opinion of the local residents, the development programme issued by the local authorities and the conclusions of the foundation studies.

Research team – Catalina Bocan, Mihai Danciu, Gabriela Domokoș-Paşcu


Tamas, E., & Tac, A.-I. (2020) Measures for the regulation of surfaces outside of built-up area. Study houses: Upper Town, Hunedoara County. Journal of Architecture, Urbanism and Heritage, 3(2), 61-72.

Bocan, C. , Pascu, G., & Keller, A. (2021). Dacian fortresses in Arastie mountains: management of heritage structures. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC)

Research contract: "Zonal Urban Plan for Vicol Area, Herculane, UTR 3" - BC34/02.04.2019

Total value: 93,176 RON

The final objective of the research is to develop the documentation necessary for the approval of the Zonal Urban Plan. The study is conducted for the Vicol area in Herculane, Caraş-Severin county. It includes the development and completion of studies, and ultimately the development of the corresponding documents necessary for the approval of the Zonal Urban Plan at the County Council and City Hall.

Research team – Catalina Bocan, Marius Gaman, Ana-Maria Branea

Other studies:

Vulnerability of historic buildings

The research aims to determine the seismic vulnerability of the historic masonry buildings in Timisoara. Conducted following ICOMOS principles, which encourage a multidisciplinary assessment of historic buildings in order to understand and protect them, the research proposes to intertwine the field of civil engineering with that of architecture, urban planning and socio-economic studies in the assessment of historic buildings in Timisoara.

Thus, research involves the development of simplified methodologies that can be used for the evaluation of historic buildings. One methodology focuses on assessing the seismic vulnerability of masonry buildings in historic urban centers located in seismic zones, which considers the cultural value of buildings and can be easily applied at the urban level. The second methodology involves a multi-, inter-and transdisciplinary assessment of the value and vulnerability of the historical wooden roof structures in Timisoara.

At the same time, extensive research has also been carried out concerning consolidation solutions suitable for historic brick masonry buildings, which improve their structural behaviour during seismic events.

Coordinator: Marius Moșoarca

Research team - Alexandra Keller, Iasmina Onescu, Eugen Onescu, Dragoș Bocan, Nicola Chieffo


International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Innovation (CoHeSION 2018)

The conference offered an important platform to researchers, architects, engineers and other specialists to present and discuss a wide variety of topics related to the protection of historical heritage. The topics range from theoretical studies to urban planning strategies, heritage management and technologies and techniques, represented by great variety of case studies.

Student Scientific Communications Session (SCSS 2019/2020/2021)

The communication session addresses bachelor's and master's degrees students from the faculty. Its main aims arev to support and promote students' scientific concerns in a competitive academic environment and to encourage students with special skills in the fields of study. It is a framework suitable for stimulating interaction between students, professionals and other researchers, facilitating the exchange of ideas and experiences while familiarising students of the faculty with the stages of research.