

It can seem that gardening is a never-ending conflict with all kinds of pests that compete for the bounty. Insects like bagworms and weevils are often life-threatening to certain plants. Others like sawfly larva can have a negative effect on the appearance of some plants, but not affect their health. Larger pests such as voles and ground hogs can of course cause more damage, but are easier to spot! Viruses and bacteria are microscopic, but often can produce dramatic changes in plants. The list of pests (click PEST LIST above) we have gathered are those that we have seen most frequently in the Idea Garden. The description can provide a good first step in controlling these pests, but more research can help gardeners. Sites ending in .edu are the most reliable since they more often than not provide research-based information. The .edu domain includes fact sheets, blogs, and videos from Extension offices all around the United States. You can also ask for help from our Ask a Master Gardener service at