Who are we?

CCITE began as a new educational consortium supported by the HJB Charitable Trust in Cambridge's silicon fen bringing together leading thinkers in education, industry, business, research, academia, technology and entrepreneurship to design whole-school solutions to meet the current skills crisis threatening UK's economic prosperity. It has now developed a major presence in the Wessex Region based in Winchester. Its members are:

  • International GeoGebra Institute: Dr Zsolt Lavicza (Director)

  • Cambridge Teaching Schools Network: Stephen Munday (Director)

  • CCITE: Prof Adrian Oldknow (Founder) and Prof Tony Houghton (Director)

  • Centre for Real-World Learning, University of Winchester: Prof Bill Lucas (Director)

  • Chichester Academy Trust: Dr. Alan McMurdo (CEO)

  • Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge: Dr. Joan Lasenby (Senior Lecturer)

  • Education Fast Forward: Sir Tim Brighouse, Steve Kenning, Jim Wynn (Fellows)

  • Expansive Education Network: Prof Bill Lucas (co-founder)

  • Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge: Dr Sara Hennessy, Prof Anna Vignoles (Researchers)

  • Hertford College Oxford: Prof Peter Millican (Fellow)

  • Park House School, Newbury: Derek Peaple (Head)

  • St John’s College School, Cambridge: Graham Hastings (IT coordinator)

  • STEM Team East: Elizabeth Crilly (Director)

  • Surrey Satro: Dr. Beccy Bowden (Director)

  • Winchester Science Centre: Verena Cornwall (Director)

  • Youth Sports Trust: Matt Pauling (Co-ordinator)

Why has CCITE been established?

CCITE has been set up in response to the criticisms by Google Chairman, Dr. Eric Schmidt, of UK technological education in schools: “We need to reignite children’s passion for science, engineering and maths.” http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/interactive/2011/aug/26/eric-schmidt-mactaggart-lecture-full-text. CCITE is here to help re-establish the UK position as a world-leader in technological education which is accessible to all pupils in all schools, colleges and academies and will be in place in as short a time as possible.

Following the Education White Paper, schools have much more autonomy to determine their own curriculum – especially in the fields of ICT and Design Technology. The UK's Plan For Growth depends upon having a flexible, skilled workforce. Today’s school children need fulfilling and valuable careers. The well-being of our society needs many more flexible and creative polymaths to design the solutions required for a healthy and sustainable future. Children whose passion for STEM subjects have been ignited in KS2/3 will be better prepared and informed to participate successfully in courses and qualifications in STEM subjects, and achieve better results. Teachers supporting cross-curricular approaches using digital technologies will be better equipped to provide more stimulating subject teaching. A smarter infrastructure using modern technologies and engaging employers, employees and families will support teacher development.

What underpins CCITE?

A group of UK schools' and STEM subject teachers' professional associations has developed a whole-school, sustainable, inter-disciplinary strategy to reform technological education – called SySTEMiC. This strategy is built on approaches and practice developed through a wide range of STEM activities in schools which have not hitherto been sewn together into a coordinated plan to provide smarter schools staffed by smarter teachers supported by a smarter infrastructure using digital technologies. The associations are the Association of School and College Leaders ASCL, the Association for Science Education ASE, the Computing at School Group CAS, the Design and Technology Association DATA, the National Society for Education in Art and Design NSEAD together with Primary & Secondary Engineer. The work draws on Futurelab’s 'Beyond Current Horizons', which was taken forward by Becta's 'Fit For The Future' programme, as well as recent reports about IT, computing and digital technologies from the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society, the Joint Mathematical Council and NESTA.

Who is involved with CCITE?

Currently CCITE is engaged with Anglia Ruskin, ARM, Astrium Satellites, Autodesk, AVEVA, the Baker-Dearing Trust, Bloodhound SSC, BCS, Cambridge Assessment, Cambridge Area Teaching Schools, Cambridge 14-19 Educational Partnership, Campaign for Science & Engineering, CBI, CERC, CISCO, City of London School, Comberton Village College, e-Learning Foundation, European Schools Network, Futurelab, GeoGebra, Google, Greenpower, Hammersmith Academy, Hidalgo, HJB Charitable Trust, HP Catalyst, IET, Intel, INTELLECT, MEI, Microsoft, NESTA, NextGen skills, NPL, NRICH, Nuffield, Phoenix Project, Promethean, Raspberry Pi Foundation, Restoration Partners, Royal Institution, Royal Society, St. Johns College School, Siemens, STEM Team East, ST Robotics, Texas Instruments, 21st Century Learning Alliance and World Class Arena together with Cambridge University’s Centre for Science & Policy, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Computer Laboratory, Faculty of Education, Department of Engineering, Judge Business School, and Department of Plant Sciences.

Professor Adrian Oldknow MA, MTech, CEng, CITP, CMath, CSci, FBCS, FIMA, FRSA is the Founder of CCITE

Adrian can be contacted at: adrian@ccite.org

He provides an unmatched STEM expertise including:

  • Convenor, the School and Subject Associations’ Working Group (SSAWG = the Association of School and College Leaders ASCL, the Association for Science Education ASE, the Computing At Schools group CAS, the Design & Technology Association DATA, the Mathematical Association MA, the National Society for Education in Art & Design NSEAD and Primary/Secondary Engineer)

  • Futurelab Associate; STEMNET Ambassador; GeoGebra STEM Ambassador; Bloodhound Ambassador; NCETM Associate

  • Emeritus Professor, Mathematics and Computing Education, University of Chichester, UK

  • Research Fellow in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • GeoGebra Visiting Professor, BKF Budapest University of Communications and Business, Hungary

  • Founder of CCITE, supported by the HJB Charitable Trust

Professor Tony Houghton BEd (Cantab), MSc, Eng D Comm Eng is Education Development Director with CCITE.

Tony can be contacted at: tony.houghton@ccite.org

Tony Houghton is Visiting Professor University of Essex Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Ex BT Global Engineering and BT Research Labs. He is currently also Educational Development Director at CCITE Cambridge Centre for Innovation in Technological Education, GeoMatech Visiting Professor BKF Budapest, President Association for Hungarian Digital Education and UK Project Leader KIKS (Kids Inspiring Kids in STEAM) EU ERASMUS+.

He is a member of the University of Cambridge, Magdalene College with a degree in Psychology and a doctorate in Communications Engineering from University College, London, a year of which was undertaken with Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab (MIT), entitled: Expectation Shock!!

He works on Human Factors, Physical and on-line Collaboration, Customer Perception and Education projects. His skills include Programme Design and Delivery, Facilitation, Skills Development, On-line Collaboration and Evaluation. He brings a Human Factors focus to Customer Perception (of product, service and/or organisation), Self-Perception (self-esteem, aspirations and respect) and People Skills (communication and collaboration, presentation, teamworking and leadership).

He has worked with Microsoft, CISCO, Pepsico, DHL, Essex County Council, University of Cambridge, University of Essex, University of Coventry, Budapest Metropolitan University, Hungary, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, University of Cantabria, Spain, Eurescom, IET, STEMNET, Nationwide, Chunghwa Telecom and Sony in Singapore.

He has presented at business, technical, educational and academic conferences in Europe, Asia and the US. His academic work has been published and presented in Europe, Asia and US (including National Natural Science Foundation of China, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Human Factors, American Association for Artificial Intelligence, International Association of Applied Psychology, International Ergonomics Association).