Tony Houghton is the UK Project Leader on the International Erasmus+ Project KIKS ref. 15/0100-KA2SE/136AA (Kids Inspiring Kids in STEAM) objective to get STEAM loving ‘kids’ developing STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths) activities for other less enthusiastic kids in Hothousing workshops, Local Challenges and International Collaboration. Their challenge was: "How do I get my friends to LOVE STEAM?"

Many children, and their parents and teachers, do not enjoy or have confidence in maths and STEAM: they have anxiety even math/technophobia and drop it as soon as they can. So WHO BETTER than to ask those more enthusiastic and/or able students to develop STEAM popularisation projects and deliver them to the less confident student audiences in the participating countries. The remarkable work of participants is shown in the opposite (overlapping) PREZIs.

KIKS is a collaboration between researchers in four institutions:

· Budapest Metropolitan University, Hungary

· University of Jyväskylä, Finland

· University of Cantabria, Spain

· STEM Team East, England

and the teachers and students of groups of schools in the four countries.