Training Expectations

Training for the CCWC

Workout Videos

A really good breakdown on proper technique on the erg - and you can follow along to get the pace down.

Start with no water in your water bottles or nothing in your hands. An easy way for me to remember direction of arms is by using my thumbs as guides - thumbs up equals filling water bottle while thumbs down equates to emptying them.

A quick guide to start with the ERG. Notice body position at 1:00 and 11:00.

Traveling to the CCWC provides a wonderful opportunity to test ourselves against the best clubs in the world. While it will be a fantastic trip and possibly a launch for your vacation, please be sensitive that your teammates are putting in the time, energy, and money to go to France to compete. Don't be that paddler that lets her teammates down by being out of shape and out of practice. The more we improve as individuals, the more we can improve as a team.

Things that you should be setting goals for between now and the CCWC are:

  • Building strength - this can be accomplished via weight training, yoga, power classes, core classes. If you have access to a rowing machine, use it. It produces a full-body workout and is a great tool to build core and leg strength without taxing your back (not to mention the endurance aspect of it).
  • Increasing endurance - walking, running, swimming, cycling, blast, groove, zumba, high intensity interval training (HIIT) are all good aerobic activities.
  • Improving nutrition - we can all do a little bit better with what we eat and drink. Not only does the right food provide us much needed energy, but it also helps us lose the extra pounds. The better our strength-to-weight ratio is, the faster will we will be both collectively and individually. Don't rely on body mass index (BMI) as the only indicator if you should lose a few pounds. BMI is a height-to-weight ratio and it's good to have a value in the normal/healthy range; however, muscle weighs more that fat, so striving to build muscle while reducing weight will not only lower you BMI but more importantly will lower your body fat percentage.
  • Improving paddling technique - practice, practice, practice. This comes from attending practice and listening to the coaches. If you have access to an OC-1 (single outrigger) it is a great training tool not only for your technique but also for strength and endurance. If you don't have access to or are not comfortable on an OC-1, see if you can get some time in an OC-6 with your local outrigger canoe club. (Please note that time in an outrigger is not required, it is just a suggestion as a training tool.) If you have a SUP, kayak, or rowing scull, use it to get time on the water.

Below are month-by-month suggestions to help you along. We are all adults and should expect our teammates to be committed to preparing for the CCWC. Nothing motivates like peer pressure. One suggestion is to partner with one or more teammates. It's always nice to have someone to check-in with, and if possible, workout with.

What can we do to help motivate you? What can your teammates do to help motivate you? Let us know. We'd love to help.

One question we've been asked is, "How will the boat be seated in France? That is, who will get to paddle?" Everyone will get to paddle. Depending upon how many we have in Aix-les-Bains, one or more paddlers may have to sit out a heat. How will that be determined? It will be based on your commitment to practice, workouts, weight, blending, etc. Starting in January, we will track who comes to practice. We will also ask that you self-report your workouts (we will provide a survey or spreadsheet for that).

Month by Month

  • October - ten months to the CCWC. Take a few minutes to congratulate yourself on your accomplishment in qualifying for the Club Crew World Championships. It's a big deal! Next, assess where you are at right now. Set realistic practice, fitness, nutrition, and weight goals for each of the upcoming months. Don't wait until New Year's to make a fitness resolution. Start it now.
  • November - nine months to the CCWC. That might seem like a long time, but as well all know time accelerates. Check-in on your goals. Are you able to follow the plan you set for yourself? Are you on course to meet your goals?
  • December - eight months to the CCWC. It's the holiday season. If you slip, don't beat yourself up and don't give up.
  • January - seven months to the CCWC. Start the new year with a focused intention to be the best you in 2020. Get into the gym, pool, fitness studio. Review your goals and adjust them as necessary. Attend practice at least once a week.
  • February - six months to the CCWC. Check in with your fitness, endurance, and nutrition goals. Tweak them if you need be. Keep going to practice. Time is going to start accelerating from this point forward.
  • March - five months to the CCWC. You should be on the upswing in your fitness, paddling, and weight goals. If your not doing it already, commit to two race practices per week. You may think five months is a long time and you can wait to get in shape and out to practice, but it is not a long time. If it didn't take time and effort to get into shape, we'd all be there :) ATTEND AZ DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL - MARCH 28 & 29, 2020 - sign ups on TeamSnap.
  • April - four months to the CCWC. Commit to attending every race practice between April and August. That's only 4 1/2 months of practices. Not only will it help your fitness and technique, but as we all know timing is everything in this sport and if you are not at practice your timing will be off.
  • May - three months to the CCWC. Build on your fitness base by pushing yourself harder. You can do it!
  • June - two months to the CCWC. Sustain the level of effort you've been putting in to getting into shape. The end is near, don't stop now!
  • July - one month to the CCWC.
  • August - finally! Continue pushing yourself for the first week of the month, then start to taper your workouts. You don't want to be burned out by the time you head to France.
  • August 25th - paddles up!

Combined Practices/Races

  • January 18-19 @ Morro Bay (MLK, Jr. holiday weekend)
  • February 22-23 @ NAC
  • March 28-29, Arizona Dragon Boat Festival, Tempe
  • April 25-26 @ Morro Bay
  • May, Nevada International Dragon Boat Festival (Las Vegas) or San Diego Dragon Boat Festival
  • June 27-28 @ NAC
  • July 25-26, Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival

Please click on this link to RSVP for combined practices/races.