Combinatorial, Computational, and Applied Algebraic Geometry:

A Tribute to Bernd Sturmfels

We are in the process of putting together a collection of articles which highlight Bernd Sturmfels' contributions to mathematics, dedicated to his 60th birthday. Each article will survey an area that Bernd has contributed to, with some indication of his significant work in the area, the evolution of the field, and its current state. Approximately twenty articles we have already solicited will cover topics such as discrete optimization, polytopes and oriented matroids, tensors, multidimensional determinants and resultants, numerical nonlinear algebra, algebraic statistics, likelihood geometry, algorithmic invariant theory, connections to biology, convex algebraic geometry and spectrahedra, chemical reaction networks, algebraic vision, tropical geometry, toric varieties, and combinatorial commutative algebra.

The intended audience is the research community in mathematics, in particular those in combinatorial, computational, and applied algebraic geometry, and adjacent fields. In the spirit of Bernd’s emphasis on nurturing graduate students and early career mathematicians, we target this part of the mathematics community to both showcase the extent, depth, and beauty of his contributions and to serve as an invitation to learn.