
Bahas 4PM

2022 Secondary School Bahas 4pm Champions!

We have won this year's inter-school malay debate competition! Our Malay Debate girls did very well to achieve huge success for the Madrasah. To top it off, our student, Hannah Yusra got the Overall Best Debater award. Alya Nabilah got the Best Debater Award for Finals. Marha marha!

2022 Pre-U School Bahas 4pm Runners-Up!

Despaite coming in runners-up for the Pre-U Bahas 4PM competition, we have outshone ourselves this year. Raja Nur Syakirah received the award for Best Debater Preliminary Round and Semi-Finals. Marha marha!

Pesta Sukan

Senior Boys Archers did us proud!

Our madrasah's archers took part in Pesta Sukan. We sent 6 teams in total. Everyone did well but one team did very well above all others and came in 2nd runners up amongst the many teams that took part over the 2-days competition. Marha marha to our boys!

11th National Inter-School Championships (Virtual)

Senior Boys Archers did us proud!

Our madrasah took part in the annual National Inter-School Championships. Even though it lacks the atmosphere of a physical competition. We did well and earned medals for 3 of the categories. The icing on the cake is when 2 of our boys, named Ahmad Raiyan Bin Roslan and Mirza Bin Hasri landed in the top 5 archers nationwide! Marha marha!

Bahas Piala Syed Abdul Rahman Aljunied

Top 2 positions won by MAA!

Our madrasah hosted this year's BPSARA. We hosted the different madrasahs in the debate competition. We witnessed fierce competition from all teams. Alhamdulillah, our efforts paid off and we managed to capture the top two places in the competition! Marha marha!