Conference Lectures and Schedule

The conference features the Principal Lecturer Gunther Uhlmann, who is the Robert R. and Elaine F. Phelps Endowed Professor of University of Washington. Professor Uhlmann is one of the leading experts in inverse problems, and is the main leader of inverse problems community. His research topics range from rigorous mathematical analysis to real world applications, publishing more than 300 papers with numerous collaborators, and he is well known for bringing in important new problems and techniques to the math community. 

As the Principal Lecturer, Professor Uhlmann will be delivering ten hour long lectures focusing on a variety of inverse problems arising in nonlinear wave propagation, nonlinear analogs of Calderon's inverse problems, nonlinear transport equations, and inverse scattering for nonlinear PDEs. Several open problems will also be formulated.

The following is a tentative list of topics for each lecture: 

Lecture 1: Calderon's Inverse Problem

Lecture 2: Gelfand's Inverse Problem

Lecture 3: Inverse Problems for Semilinaer Wave Equations

Lecture 4: Inverse Problems for Semilinaer Elliptic Equations

Lecture 5: Inverse Problems for Quasilinear Hyperbolic Equations

Lecture 6: Inverse Problems for Quasilinear Elliptic Equations

Lecture 7: Inverse Problems for Einstein Equations

Lecture 8: Inverse Problems for Nonlinear Transport Equations

Lecture 9: Inverse Scattering for Nonlinear Equations

Lecture 10: Some Open Problems

New:  Videos of the main and supplementary lectures are available at the CBMS Conference Clemson 2024 youtube channel.

           Main Lectures Files: 1. Calderon's Inverse Problem 

                                                 2. Gelfand Problem 

                                                 3. Inverse Problem for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations (updated) 

                                                 4. Inverse Problem for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations

                                                 5. Calderon Problem with Quasilinear Anisotropic Conductivity (from Ruirui Wu)

                                                 6. Invisibility via Transformation Optics

          Supplementary Lectures Files: 1. Inverse Problems for Transport Equations from Ru-Yu Lai 

                                                                   2. Nonlinear Phenomena in X-ray Tomography from Yiran Wang 

          Discussion's Lectures Notes: 1. Fractional Calderon's Problem from Li Li 

                                                               2. Inverse Problems in Nonlinear Acoustic Imaging from Yang Zhang

The conference also features two supplementary lectures given by Dr. Ru-Yu Lai and Dr. Yiran Wang, who are early career mathematicians actively working in nonlinear inverse problems covered in the principal lectures.

Dr. Ru-Yu Lai

University  of Minnesota

Dr. Yiran Wang

Emory University

All the lectures of the conference will be held in the auditorium of the Watt Family Innovation Center on the campus of Clemson University. A tentative schedule for the conference is given below. 

New: There will be a poster session after the lecture on Wednesday afternoon. If you are interested in presenting a poster, please contact the conference organizers.