Slow the Flow from Home

The Slow the Flow from Home program will provide educational opportunities to citizens interested in decreasing their negative impact on the environment.

Project coordinators will provide resources for citizen engagement in Green Infrastructure initiatives that can be applied to any aspect of daily life. Many suggested actions provide personal benefits such as decreased water and energy bills, fewer maintenance issues related to water infrastructure (such as basement flooding or broken pipes), and a generally better sense of wellbeing. These actions may also contribute to stormwater control and relieve stress on the sanitary sewer, ensuring high water quality in Lake Superior.

Expectations of this volunteer position include:

  • Taking a personal pledge to partake in sustainable actions
  • Providing weekly feedback to project coordinators on actions taken (via online form)
  • Receiving relevant materials from project coordinators

How to Slow the Flow from Home

  1. Get in touch with GI project coordinators about getting involved
  2. See the list of activities and participate however you can!
  3. Each week, check in about the actions you took by filling out the survey!

See at-home opportunities: