Tests & Exams

Royal College certification in Anesthesiology requires all of the following: 


Throughout residency, we provide various summative assessments (evaluations of your learning) to ensure you remain on track for your final year Royal College exams.

Applicable for all medical graduates, you will need to also successfully pass the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part II. Most people complete this in their second year as the material is broad and not anesthesia-specific.

Anesthesia Knowledge Tests

AKT's are standardized tests in anesthesiology that Canadian residency programs participate in and are administered by Metrics Associates, Inc.

The purpose of these tests is to encourage ongoing study throughout residency and to track the progression of your knowledge. Individual results are anonymously compared with other candidates who took the same test, and your results are provided to you as both a raw score and a percentile.

The results of these tests are used mainly to help determine what areas a resident should focus their studies on. The complete schedule of tests you will encounter throughout your residency at Western is included below.

AKT - Anesthesia Knowledge Test

ABA - American Board of Anesthesia

RC - Royal College

Practice Oral Exams (starting in PGY-2)

During your academic half day lectures and morning trouble rounds, you will each have opportunities to practice the format of answering oral exam questions in front of your peers.

We also provide opportunities to simulate the oral exam process in the fall of your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th year in residency: two Western consultants, two oral exam questions, nobody else in the room.

[In your 5th year, there is a specific exam preparation program that begins in the fall and is conducted during your protected days off.]