
The Catenian Association - London Charterhouse Circle 

Province 14 Circle 49 

What is the Catenian Association? 

The Catenian Association is a fellowship of Catholic professional and business men who meet socially once a month for the free exchange of views, and to help and encourage one another and their families in their social and business lives. 

The name Catenians derives from the Latin word "Catena", which means "Chain". Each member is seen as a link upon which the strength of the whole chain depends.

The Catenian Association was founded in Manchester in 1908 and currently has approximately 8,000 members across various countries.  Members join the Association by being enrolled into a local branch. Depending upon their size these branches are known as Groups or Circles. In turn the Groups and Circles are grouped administratively into Provinces, which support them. There are about 300 Circles throughout the UK, Ireland, Australia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Hong Kong, South Africa, and Malta. Additionally, there has been rapid expansion in Goa, India. Members are referred to as Brothers. 

Membership is open to all Catholic laymen over the age of 21. There are no specific requirements in terms of income or type of occupation, nor a requirement for a member's wife to be Catholic.  We welcome applications for membership from laymen who profess the Roman Catholic faith or those of Churches in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. 

Applicants are sponsored by an existing member who recommends him to the Association. Potential members not previously known attend a few meetings prior to being sponsored by a member. 


To support one another in the practice of our Faith

To foster fraternal affiliations amongst members 

To develop social bonds amongst members and their families 

To advance the interests of members and their dependents by individual and collective action To provide guidance and assistance to Brothers and their families seeking employment 

To establish, maintain and administer benevolent funds. 


We gather once a month on the 2nd Mondays for a formal meeting at 19:00 followed by dinner at 19:30 with the proceedings aimed to finish by by 22:00. 

Members are expected to make every effort to attend these monthly meetings, and to take part in the Circle's activities. 


The Circle's annual subscription is £140 - it allows us to have Masses said for our member's intentions; serves as a foundation for promoting additional gatherings and events; helps us offer hospitality to visiting members, clergy and guests. It includes a subscription to Catena, the Association's monthly magazine, and helps support administration of both our Circle and that of the association nationally.   

Cost of monthly dinners is £45 - typically a 3 Course Meal, with coffee or tea. Wine and Beer are available for purchase.  

The Future 

The social, cultural and environmental pressures on Catholics in the 21st Century are obviously different from those which existed at the start of the last century, but the aims of the Association remain just as relevant. 

Amidst the challenges faced by Catholic men in today's world, the Catenian Association provides a safe harbour and camaraderie. As a group dedicated to Catholic laymen, we understand the unique struggles and joys of navigating faith in contemporary society. If this resonates with you, we welcome you to join our circle and discover the fellowship and strength found in our shared values.

The Clergy

We, as Catholics, have a valuable and substantial role to play in sustaining the development of our Catholic Community. The Catenian Association support us in achieving this high ideal and we organise an annual Clergy dinner.