My CV in brief:
Academic positions
Postdoc (2021-today) , University of Mainz (group of Prof. Reuter)
Postdoc (2019-2021) , LPMMC - CNRS - University of Grenoble (group of Prof. Canet)
Postdoc (2015-2019), University of Mainz (group of Prof. Reuter)
Postdoc (2014-2015 with "Blanceflor" fellowship), University of Mainz (group of Prof. Reuter)
Education and Qualifications
Italian habilitation to associate professor (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, sector FIS-02/A2, theoretical physics)
PhD in Physics (2010-2014), SISSA, Trieste (supervisor: Prof. Percacci)
Master in Physics - theoretical physics curriculum (2008-2010), University of Trieste (supervisor: Prof. Gozzi)
Bachelor in Physics (2005-2008), University of Trieste (supervisor: Prof. Gozzi)
Grants and Awards
DGF grant (2018/2019)
"Seal of excellence" as a high quality proposal for the MSCA 2019
"Blanceflor" fellowship (2014/2015)
"Luciano Fonda" fellowship (2008/2009; 2009/2010)
Academic activity
Teaching: "Theoretical elementary particle physics", University of Mainz, summer semester 2022.
Teaching assistant:
"Energetics" (Newtonian mechanics, fluids, and laboratory), University of Grenoble, winter semester 2020-2021;
"Quantization via functional integral II", University of Mainz, winter semester 2017-2018;
"Quantization via functional integral I", University of Mainz, summer semester 2017.
Supervision: second supervisor for a bachelor and a master student and mentor for a PhD student.
Referee for the journals: Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. A, Phys. Rev. D, Nucl. Phys. B, Mod. Phys. Lett. A, Universe, Frontiers in Physics.
Organizational assignments:
organizer of the "PhD and postdoc seminar" series at the LPMMC - CNRS (March 2020 -- July 2021);
host for two visitors at the University of Mainz (in 2017 and 2019).
Personal skills and competences
Languages: Italian (mother tongue), English (fluent), German (basic), French (basic).
Computer skills: Mathematica and related software packages; programming languages: Fortran, Python and C.