Buying Running Shoes

Finding the right pair of running shoes for your young athlete is an important step in helping them to have a healthy and successful season.  The most Important advice I can give is to seek out a qualified professional at a running shoe store like Appalachian Running Company ( ,  The Inside Track ( or Fleet Feet (

Often stores like Dick's Sporting Goods or Dunhams sell the latest and flashiest shoes, but the employees do not understand the needs and stresses a young runner will endure during the course of a training season. 

I also want to discourage parents from buying their runners minimalist shoes or very lightweight shoes with little to no cushioning.  While these shoes have merit for more experienced runners with good form, they will likely not serve middle school aged runners well for our purposes.

Other tips are to seek out reputable running shoe brands like Brooks, Hoka, Saucony, Asics, New Balance, etc.  Also, make sure the shoe matches your:

You also need to make sure there is enough room for your runner's toes to move comfortably.  Shoes should be roomy as long as they do not slip off the heel when running.  A common mistake is to buy running shoes that are too small.