Maghambalanay kita (let's talk)

I’m open to engaging in conversation in a variety of ways, but if we don’t already know each other somehow, I invite you to build relationship with me first via email (thank you to JL Umipig for inspiring me to set this loving boundary).

Before reaching out, please understand my protocols:

  • I do the best that I can to create spaces free of racism, anti-Black racism, anti-Indigineity, white fragility, sexism, queerphobia, transphobia, xenophobia, ableism, fat phobia, classism, victim-blaming, colonial violence, and other oppressive beliefs and attitudes. In engaging in any form of exchange with me, you agree to strive to do the same.

  • I don’t practice any form of sales or marketing tactics. Offering to open up dialogue with you is a practice grounded in relation, not transaction. However, let us be mindful of each others’ boundaries in whatever form they take: time, physical or spiritual energy, and mental or emotional capacity.

Send me a message through my contact form below and we’ll start the conversation by email and from there, we can work towards setting a time to chat via video.

I look forward to connecting, engaging, relating, and imagining with you.