Journal articles and book chapters

Omoeva, C. and Hatch, R. Teenage, married, and out of school: Effects of early marriage and childbirth on school exit in Eastern Africa. UNESCO Prospects: . October 2020.

Moussa, W. and Omoeva, C. The long-term effects of universal primary education: Evidence from Ethiopia, Malawi and Uganda. Comparative Education Review, Vol. 64 Number 2, May 2020.

Omoeva C, Moussa W, and Gale C. The economic costs of educational inequality in developing countries. In Ben David-Hadar I. (Ed.), Education Finance, Equality, and Equity. New York, USA: Springer, forthcoming.

Omoeva C, Moussa W, and Hatch R. Proposed operationalization of equity measurement. In C. Chien, F. Huebler (Eds), Handbook on measuring equity in education. UNESCO Institute for Statistics: Montreal, Canada. 2018.

Hatch R, Buckner E, and Omoeva C. The limits of redistributive school finance policy in South Africa. Journal on Education in Emergencies, Vol. 3, Issue 1, July 2017.

Omoeva C and Gale C. (2016) Universal, but not free: Household schooling costs and equity effects of Uganda’s universal secondary education policy. International Journal of Educational Development. Vol. 50, September 2016. [Available at:]

Omoeva C. Active learning instructional methods in mathematics and science: A comparative analysis of post-Soviet countries using TIMSS 2007 data. In I. Silova, (Ed.), Globalization on the margins: Education and postsocialist transformations in Central Asia. Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2011.

Omoeva C. Student-centered instruction and learning achievement in math and science in the post-Soviet state: A mixed methods analysis. Dissertation, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2012.