Air Quality Data

Chicago's Air Quality (including PurpleAir data)

The Environmental Law and Policy Center's Air Quality Chicago Project

Data Repository for CARE students (this folder may require Loyola ID).

EPA Data and Tools

EPA Outdoor Air Quality Data

The following instructions show how we download PM2.5 data from the U.S. EPA's Air Data website (which includes air quality data collected at outdoor monitors across the U.S.).

Method 1 (download data for all the sites in the U.S.):

Method 2 (download data for the sites of interest)

Method 3 (make plots first and downloads data next).

EPA's Air Sensor Tool Box

This website provides the latest science on the performance, operation and use of air sensors that are low-cost, portable, and easier to operate than regulatory-grade monitors. Go to the website.

EPA's EJScreen Tool

EJScreen stands for Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping. EPA has developed this mapping and screening tool based on nationally consistent data and an approach that combines environmental and demographic indicators in maps and reports. Go to the website

EPA's Fire and Smoke Map

The Fire and Smoke Map is an interactive map displaying information on PM2.5 from smoke and other sources, as well as information on fires, smoke plume locations. Go to the website.

National Emission Inventory Data

National Emission Inventory data are provided by the U.S. EPA every 3 years from 2008 to 2020, including the emissions of primary PM2.5. Go to the website.

NOAA Data and Tools

NOAA Hazard Mapping System (HMS) Fire and Smoke Product. 

NOAA created an interactive web-based GIS to display satellite data of fire detects in near-real time.HMS uses visible imagery from satellites to generate smoke plumes associated with fires. Go to the website of HMS.

Go directly to the map of latest HMS analysis.

NASA Data and Tools

NASA Open Science 101

NASA's Transform to Open Science (TOPS) initiative is designed to transform agencies, organizations, and communities to an inclusive culture of open science. The open science curriculum will introduce those beginning their open science journey to important definitions, tools, and resources; and provide participants at all levels recommendations on best practices.

NASA Worldview

NASA Worldview is a free online visualization tool for learners to use satellite data. It has an interactive interface for browsing full-resolution, global, daily satellite images.

How to get start with using NASA Worldview (A tutorial video)

NASA Scientific Visualization Studio

The Scientific Visualization Studio (SVS) works closely with scientists in the creation of visualizations, animations, and images in order to promote a greater understanding of Earth and Space Science research activities at NASA and within the academic research community supported by NASA.

All the visualizations and multimedia products are free to download! Please note that this is not an all-inclusive repository of NASA images and movies. Go to the website

NASA Data Portal

This data portal is NASA's clearinghouse site for open-data provided to the public. It contains tens of thousands of datasets.

The majority of dataset pages on only hold metadata for each dataset. It is common for the actual data to be held on other NASA archive sites. will have the metadata and links to the data as it exists in those many other locations.

Go to the website. 

NASA Air Quality Data Pathfinder

This NASA Data Pathfinder guides you through selecting datasets, as well as visualizing and analyzing data. It helps you address the following research interests:

Data Repository for CARE students (this folder requires the students to log in using Loyola ID).