Carbon Footprint Eating

Building a better world, one kitchen at a time.

Meat-Less Month for Mother Earth Challenge

This challenge will reduce your carbon footprint and start you on a new journey.
Before you register for this free challenge, read about the different pathways (listed in the tabs at the top) and then choose the Planetarian, Flexitarian, Vegetarian or Vegan Pathway. Visit our pages for Protein Power that satisfies. On this website you will find guides, coaching, recipes, cookbooks and restaurants to help you win. You can check the chart below and quickly compare pathways.

Why Carbon Footprint Eating

We are creating a pathway for people on a meat-based diet to try out a plant-based diet.
Eating me
at is not "bad", we are just finding out the hidden cost.

Traditional meat production is a major polluter of greenhouse gases, yet most people are still not willing to give up a meat-based diet.

If meat consumption continues as is, global warming will probably reach the tipping point.

If we can make it easy, fun and safe for lots of people to shift to a plant-based diet, we could reverse global warming.

We are putting out the challenge for people to eat a plant-based diet for one month.

We call it the: Meat-Less Month for Mother Earth Challenge.

What the Science Says:

Plant-Rich Diets (#4 out of the top 80 climate solutions)

Consumption of meat and dairy, as well as overall calories, often exceeds nutritional recommendations. Paring down and favoring plant-based foods reduces demand, thereby reducing land clearing, fertilizer use, burping cattle, and greenhouse gas emissions.


Shifting to a diet rich in plants is a demand-side solution to global warming that runs counter to the meat-centric Western diet on the rise globally. That diet comes with a steep climate price tag: one-fifth of global emissions. If cattle were their own nation, they would be the world’s third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases.

Plant-rich diets reduce emissions and also tend to be healthier, leading to lower rates of chronic disease. According to a 2016 study, business-as-usual emissions could be reduced by as much as 70 percent through adopting a vegan diet and 63 percent for a vegetarian diet, which includes cheese, milk, and eggs. $1 trillion in annual health-care costs and lost productivity would be saved.

the world's leading resource for climate solutions.