Adult Winners 

1st Prize - Jihong Ma

Too Green to Live in: Blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, are photosynthetic bacteria that typically live in water. It is toxic to almost all livestock, wildlife, and humans by affecting the nervous system and the liver. Agricultural and residential fertilizers that get washed off lawns and into bodies of water contain nitrogen and phosphorus, which are major contributors to why blue-green algae bloom. In Maryland, lakes and ponds are often affected by blue-green algae, so people and their pets (like dogs) should not enter the water in order to avoid the toxins from the algae. When I saw this heron standing in an area full of algae, I worried about how it could survive in this kind of situation. This is one of the reasons why we need to pay attention to not over-fertilize our lawns or farms, why we need to minimize rain-water runoffs, and why we need to protect the watershed and our own clean water to use!

2nd Prize - Qinghua Zhang

Save a Life: Near bay bridge, a fish was dead. It is laying on the shore. Recently year water pollution has directly threatened crabs and oysters survival at Maryland Chesapeake. I hope this event can attract people attention and join cleaning up environment activity.

3rd Prize - Jingfeng Huang

Water and Fire of Morning Glows: 这张照片是2023年的第一天拍摄于Cacapon State Park。新年的太阳还没有升起,但是朝霞已如一团团火映红了整个天空。如果你没有留意到,这张照片是倒立着的。你把照片旋转180度,一点违和感都没有,因为水和天交相辉映着,完全融为了一体,分不清哪里是水哪里是天。水给与我们的,是生命之源,是美丽之景,更重要的是让我们融入到自然里成为世界的一部分。保护水源,保护自然,就是保护我们自己。希望每天的景色都会如此美丽,希望我们和我们的水源和自然都孕育希望,生生不息......