Using Social Media

Social media is a great communication and engagement tool for Neighbourhood Watch groups to use. It can be used to increase awareness of Neighbourhood Watch locally, reach a wider audience (including younger members), promote Neighbourhood Watch as a means to tackle crime and build community cohesion. It can also advise current members of actions they can take, and increase awareness on safety, signpost people to accurate information, share national Neighbourhood Watch campaigns and messages and those of partner organisations.

Because social media is instant, it can be a very useful crime prevention tool, warning residents in a timely manner and making them more vigilant. It can be used to alert residents to suspicious activity in your neighbourhood, spread the word about Neighbourhood Watch events and personnel changes, communicate on recent crimes in the area and successes in apprehending offenders, alert residents to personnel changes of local police/ community safety teams, provide warnings about new types of scams and reminders on how to report scams.

In terms of increasing community cohesion social media is a great tool in emergency response situations (e.g COVID-19, flooding), and arranging events in the area such as street clean ups, street parties, community lunches etc.

It is vital when representing Neighbourhood Watch on social media that all posts are aligned with our core values and policies - full details available on the 'Constitution' and Policy Documents' pages.

With this in mind guidance, on the use of social media, has been issued by National Neighbourhood Watch (NNW) to help you promote your scheme, highlight crime and discuss issues affecting your community. The link below provides all the details.

Guidelines For Use Of Social Media