
The project being discussed is about the commodification of culture and religion which focuses on the hijab phenomenon in the socio-political context of religion. My life experience growing up in Pasuruan and then moving to Yogyakarta, made me think critically that the religious community towards religion is finally being used for the benefit of the market. Hijab is fertile ground as a fashion product because Islam is the majority religion where I grew up. I see how now religious commodities always have charismatic or sacred characteristics with religious teachings, as well as conditions with symbolic meanings. So, in my personal opinion, the hijab is no longer just a question of religious expression but also has a fairly large market orientation.

Then, We Choose (2021)

Then, We Choose (2021)

Then, We Choose (2021)

Hijab, Hijrah (2020)

Hijrah (2020)

Hijab (2020)

Hijrah #2 (2021)