Candrani Yulis

Graduated from the Visual Communication of Design - ISI Yogyakarta. Since college she has been actively participating in a number of fine art exhibitions and has become an independent graphic designer. She has worked on a number of design projects, such as collaborating with The Royal Court of Yogyakarta, The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, and the Indonesian Graphic Designer Association. In 2019, she also participated in the "Seniman Pascaterampil" residency program at the Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja. In 2020, she participated in Festival Film Dokumenter and exhibition in Cemeti; In 2021 she participated in exhibition of art Asana Bina Seni- Biennale Jogja and 100 Years of Joseph Beuys Exhibition by Goethe Institut Indonesien. Candrani can be contacted via email:




BA-Visual Communication of Design Indonesia Institute of The Art Yogyakarta - Indonesia



  • The Winner of Display Design awards DKV 4 ISI Yogyakrata

  • The Winner of Videographic awards Harian Umum Indonesia


  • Design Thinking ISI Yogyakarta and Hannover German


Finalist Indonesia Young Painter YSRI



Seniman Pasca Terampil Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja

Exhibition (selected)


  • “Mantra” - Asana Bina Seni Bienalle Yogyakarta

  • 100 Years of Joseph Beuys: Body Journey Exhibition by Goethe Institut Indonesien


  • Clothing As A State Of Power - Cemeti, Yogyakarta

  • “Sumonar Fest - Monument of Hope” Yogyakarta


  • “Menampal yang Usang, Mengganti yang Pudar”- Padepokan Seni Bagong K.

  • Pekan Seni Grafis Jogja - Museum Sonobudoyo Yogyakarta

  • “Nandur Srawung, Peer to Peer” - Taman Budaya Yogyakarta

  • “Generasi Y” - Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja


  • DKV Graduate Exhibition, Galeri Soetopo - ISI Yogyakarta

  • “De Grote Postweg”, CO2 Library - Surabaya

  • “Andong Buku 3”, Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta


  • “Bloom in Diversity”, Galeri Sangkring Yogyakarta

  • “Komik Nasional”, Jogja National Museum