
As someone who was abused as a kid, its important for me to share sources for help. If anything should come out of this website, if you are suffering from abuse, please seek help. Do the right thing and leave those that are abusing you. Please do your homework and get out. Here are a couple of places I have found for help. Take a look.  

Important Message!! Act Today!

If you need to get help and you don't have anyone to turn to call this number now! 1.800.799.7233 They can help you get out of situations that are dangerous and hurtful to you. If you don't have a phone but can used the internet, use the web address and chat with someone live about the situation that you are in.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence 

If you need another source of help, I urge you to check out the NCADV. They have fantastic sources of real help. Take a look at their site, It doesn't matter the circumstances, use what they have and seek the help your needs. 

"The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV)'s mission is to lead, mobilize and raise our voices to support efforts that demand a change of conditions that lead to domestic violence such as patriarchy, privilege, racism, sexism, and classism. We are dedicated to supporting survivors and holding offenders accountable and supporting advocates." - NCADV

A Healthy Reminder: Go and Do!

Another way to escape your abusers is to go out and serve. Become one who thinks selflessly for others that appreciate your help. Be self aware that your life has problems and that you can serve someone else who has similar problems. Do some research, find local charities or churches that are around you. Take up a cross or burden of responsibility and bear it. Do the best you can and you will see your life change.