
Life is painful, so what is the point? Life is worth what we make of it. Make it worth living by finding things you enjoy. I have found a couple things that make life worth living for me. I hope they can help you find some peace. If anything, I hope that they can help you change your perspective on life and yourself. Just know that you are worth it. So keep reading. Don't stop. 

Inspirational Music

Listening to music helps us focus on our tasks and separates us from the world when we have a good pair of headphones. Its important to choose a type of music that will uplift and inspire you to be engaged in great things. Taylor Swift or Eminem may be a little distracting and take you out of a flow state when doing homework, though it can be enjoyable to listen to. LoFi or Low Fidelity music is my go to type of inspirational music. LoFi basically is a type of music that has quirks that make the tracks feel a nostalgic and calming. It consists of simple beats and beautiful melodies that reverberates through the air. 

I have found noise canceling headphones to be really nice and a necessity in my workflow. It helps me to block out the world and focus in on the work in front of me. Noise canceling headphones are certain types of headphones that actively cancel noise made by the outside world like a sister playing the piano. I love my sister, Phoebe, though sometimes the piano can get a little loud. Trust me, any pair of noise canceling headphones generally work the same and will get the job done. Find yourself a pair and bask in the glory of Lofi goodness! It really works. If LoFi is not your thing, that's fine. Create a YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music account and make multiple playlists of your favorite music. If you want uninterrupted listening, pay for a monthly subscription that takes the advertisements away. Its all worth your time and money. Its helped me focus on my work and lift me when I am depressed. 

Inspirational Places

Get out into the world. Be in nature and experience what it means to be human. Be connected to places and things around you. Seek to turn off your inner desire to hide from society and the world. You are meaningful. You are real. Someone I could benefit from. It only takes one personal connection for life to be worth the suffering. Seek out that meaning in your life. If you can't spend tons of time out in the world,

set up a space at home. This space is yours, so treat it well. Setting up a place to create and be yourself matters in today's world. Its important to think about the location. If you like to see the world and the sun, find a space with a window for your desk. If you like working in the dark, stay away from windows and doors. Try to find a place that is not often visited and distractions can be controlled. You should seek to seclude the space away from those that would seek to do harm to you or to the space. Place a desk somewhere it can be permanently set. Add any valuable tools and instruments that allow you to create and experience joy. Establishing a home base can help your mental health and help you find inspiration in life. Now go do something there that gets you amped for the day, week, or month.

Inspirational Knowledge

No one wants to here this, but religion is a great source of inspiration and knowledge. Religion gives people hope, a moral compass to follow, and a realization that life is more than merely a test. There is a lot to life and many different religions have a different outlook on life. You don't have to do anything drastic, but just listen. See if any of the messages help you get out of that dark hole you have placed yourself in. Its time to wake up from that dark reality and find some light. 

Commonly light is referred to in religious texts as knowledge. If you want to get out of the dark abyss of hell, then start learning something. Seek something. It can be anything. Religion is one aspect of it. You can find great things out their. The world is full of wonderful things that if you just seek, you can find it. Find podcasts, inspirational messages, motivational speeches, TEDTalks, etc. Go to college and take the hardest courses available. Seek new ways of viewing the world and viewing yourself. Identify things you can change to become better and strive to do it. Take on the responsibility necessary for action to carry your forward. Once moving don't stop. There is more to life than living alone, fearing the mighty hand of those that seek to hurt you.