Publications, Conference Papers, & Workshops


2022 Candis Haak. "A Digital Analysis of an Early Medieval Cultic and Ritual Change in Hampi: The Mula Virupaksha Temple in the Hemakuta Hill Sacred Space." Histories 2(3): 315-333.

2022 Candis Haak. "An Early Medieval Saiva Pilgrimage Landscape: The Persistence of Pampa and Bhairava in the Hemakuta Hill Sacred Space, 800-1325 CE.” Religions 13 (6): 569.

2020 Fiona Coll, Serenity Sutherland, and Candis Haak. “Finding Our Way to a Digital Humanities Community at SUNY Oswego”. IDEAH.

2013 Heather M.-L. Miller and Candis Haak. “Landscapes of Movement and Historical Spatial Literacy.” In Tourism, Roads & Cultural Identities: Meaning, Memory and Development / Routes touristiques et itinéraires culturels, entre mémoire et développement, edited by L. Bourdeau, P. Marcotte, and M. H. Saidi, 115-124. Québec City, Canada: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2013. (ISBN: 978-2-7637-1789-0).

2013 Candis Haak. “Time, Place, and Experience: Spatial Literacy Tools in the Undergraduate Class.” Published Conference Proceeding of Esri’s GIS in Education, Toronto, Canada [online]


2020 “Reconsidering Corporeal Experience in Early Medieval South Asian Pilgrimage Tradition,” accepted for presentation at 12th Annual Workshop on South Asian Archaeology, March 2020. Kennesaw State University. Original format of Conference CANCELLED, paper postponed

2020 "Spatial and Architectural Identification of Transgressive Spaces in Early Medieval South Asia," accepted for presentation at the 18th Annual International Conference on History & Archaeology: From Ancient to Modern, June 2020. Athens, Greece. Original format of Conference CANCELLED, paper postponed.

2018 “Management of Corporeal Experience and the Material World: a Digital Reconstruction and Analysis of an Early Medieval South Asian Sacred Landscape.” Presented at the Digital Humanities and Ritual Space Conference, October 2018. Rethymnon, Greece.

2018 “Historical Digital Reconstruction and Analysis of an Early Medieval South Asian Sacred Space.” Presented at the University of Lancaster Spatial Humanities 2018 Conference, September 2018. Lancaster, UK.

2018 “Making it Seem Easy: Interdisciplinary team defines and measures DH interest at SUNY Oswego.” Presented at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute, June 2018. Victoria, BC. [with Fiona Coll, Serenity Sutherland, Murat Yasar]

2017 “Corporeal Experience and Materiality of Medieval South Asian Sacred Landscapes.” Presented at the 2017 Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities, November 18-19, 2017, Chicago, IL.

2016 “Exploring the Spatial Configuration of a Medieval South Asian Sacred Landscape and the Crossdisciplinarity Spatial Literacy Instructional Tools It Has Provided.” Presented at the University of Lancaster Spatial Humanities 2016 Conference, September 2016. Lancaster, UK.

2016 “Centralizing the Generative Forces of Frontier Spaces: the Medieval Indian Sacred Geography at Vijayanagara”. Presented at the University of Toronto, Mississauga Anthropology Society Conference, February 2016. Mississauga, Canada.

2015 Co-organizer of the University of Toronto Graduate Student Conference on South Asian Religions, considering “Religious Materiality in South Asia and the Indian Ocean World,” October 8–9th, 2015. Toronto, Canada.

2015 Co-organizer of the South Asian Ritual Landscapes 2015 Symposium held at the University of Toronto, May 2015. Toronto, Canada.

2015 Deccan Studies Workshop, roundtable workshop participant held at the Jackman Humanities Institute, University of Toronto, April 2015. Toronto, Canada.

2014 “Perception, Experience, and Imagining of Sacred Landscapes: A Spatial Analysis of the Pilgrimage Routes of Medieval Vijayanagara”. Presented at the University of Toronto, Asian Institute PhD Seminar Series, April 2014. Toronto, Canada.

2014 “South Asian Archaeological Data Collection and Management: A Work in Progress”. Roundtable presentation at the University of Toronto Libraries. Theme: Speed DATAing. April 2014. Toronto, Canada.

2014 “Royal Patrons of Pilgrimage: Space, Ritual, and Reference as Subject Makers of the Vijayanagara Empire.” Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations 18th Annual Graduate Student Symposium, University of Toronto. Theme: Power, Patronage, and Politics: Taking Stock of Empires. February 2014. Toronto, Canada.

2013 “Time, Place, and Experience: Spatial Literacy Tools in the Undergraduate Class.” ESRI’s 1st GIS in Education Conference, October 2013. Toronto, Canada.

2012 Heather M.-L. Miller and Candis Haak. “Landscapes of Movement and Historical Spatial Literacy.” Unitwin/UNESCO Conference on Tourism, Roads & Cultural Identities: Meaning, Memory & Development/Routes touristiques et itinéraires culturels, entre mémoire et développement, June 2012. Quebec, Canada.

2012 “Spatial Dimensions of Cremation and Inhumation Practices in Irish Early Bronze Age”. 3rd annual AIA Toronto Society Student Symposium. Theme: Making Space, March 2012. Toronto, Ontario.


2014 Map Reproduction and Digitization for an anthropological publication by Prof. Roger Lohmann, Trent University.

Lohmann, R. I. “A Cultural Mechanism to Sustain Peace: How the Asabano Madeand Ended War.” Anthropologica 56, no. 2 (2014): 285-300.

2013 Map Designer for a South Asian religious studies publication by Prof. Ajay Rao, University of Toronto.

Rao, A. K. Re-figuring the Rāmāyaṇa as Theology: A History of Reception in Premodern India. New York: Routledge, 2015.

2013 Map Designer for ANT310 Complex Societies, taught by Professor Heather Miller, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, Mississauga.