

  • Place is a particular area of point on Earth that has a particular characteristic. It is ever changing with time and people. Contains a specific meaning. [2]

Many peoples definition of place for the 9/11 reflecting pools can be different, but universally many people will associate this place with memories of 9/11 because it is a memorial and meant to commemorate this day.
  • The 9/11 reflecting pools are located in the exact places where the Twin Towers used to stand before the terrorist attack in September of 2001. This place is now dedicated to remembering all those who lost their lives on 9/11 due to the terrorist attacks. This includes those who died in the buildings, nearby, on flights, and the days following. [1]

Picture I took of the freedom stairs that many people used to escape the building. [6]

This firetruck was one of the first responders on the day of 9/11. There is evident melting from where the truck had gotten too close to the buildings and got destroyed. [6]

Picture I took of evidence of the basement of the towers, where you can see the structural elements.