Science on Display

Why do you have to sonicate those a-syn fibrils to make them pathogenic? Three words: Bite Size Pieces

Macrophages in intestinal tissue, ready to engage the enemy

TLR2 localizing to epithelial cells in blood vessels, seems like a smart choice....

Neurites of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) derived dopamine neurons.

iPSC derived dopamine neuron forming a synapse with another neuron.

Co-localized α-synuclein and galectin 3 in a Lewy body of a dopamine neuron implanted into the brain of a Parkinson's disease patient greater than a decade prior.

Co-localized α-synuclein and galectin 3 in a pale body (i.e., a pre-Lewy body) of a dopamine neuron implanted into the brain of a Parkinson's disease patient greater than a decade prior.

Midbrain dopamine neurons differentiated from human induced pluripotent stem cells

Midbrain dopamine neurons differentiated from human induced pluripotent stem cells