
Table of Contents

Structure and Significance

Analyzing the 2024 Presidential Debates

For the first time since the 1980s, the two presidential candidates have opted to not participate in a debate held by the Commission on Presidential Debates. Instead, the two candidates have agreed to debates hosted by specific media outlets. This lesson has students use one of several viewing guides and activities to help them understand and analyze these debates. Teachers can choose to have students analyze the debates by using a rubric, through a BINGO activity, or by focusing on topic, criterion or modes of persuasion.

The 2024 Presidential Debates

This lesson has students view and analyze clips from each of the 2024 presidential debates. Students will view video clips of specific questions discussed during the debate and evaluate the effectiveness of each candidate’s response. This lesson will be updated to include clips from each of the presidential and vice-presidential debates as they air on C-SPAN.

Historical Debates

Students will watch and evaluate presidential debates from previous election years and determine the speakers' positions, message, and effectiveness of that message. Students will then evaluate the effect of the debate on the overall election and election result. 

Culminating Assessment: Respond to two of the following questions: