Influence on Learning

Being a self-regulating student means they have the ability to see their own obstacles to learning, developing a plan to go around it, and have the will to follow through with the plan. This is described as having an open-mindset. These students are seen to have a higher success rate than their peers who were labeled to have a closed-mindset. A closed-mindset is described as not being willing to change to adapt to an environment.

Negative Examples

A student who goes into a subject or class with the pre-conceived notion that they are not good or will not be good, will have less motivation to complete or even attempt assignments. This can lead to procrastinating doing work, missed assignments, paying less attention in class, or even receiving failing grades. 

For students who are able to find the motivation to start or try within a subject they don't think they are food at may lack the ability to efficiently allign their goals or establish a plan to achieve the goals they want. This could cause the student to feel dejected, which only helps to reiterate the idea that they are not good which can cause them to lose motivation for re-trying.

Even students who are able to have the motivation, align their goals, and make an efficient plan to get better can still struggle with actually following through with the plan or being able to self-evaluate to adjust the plan when it's needed. 

Positive Examples

Students who are able to find the personal motivation to attempt to be better in their school work, align their goals, establish a plan, have the persistence to follow through with the plan, and be able to self-evaluate and adjust the plan as necessary have a higher chance of reaching the goals they set for themselves and being successful in their lives. 

This can look as small as receiving a passing grade on a test in a subject they don't like to receiving a high enough SAT score to receive a scholarship for college. This can also have a major effect on a student's self esteem, which when lifted, has the ability to help other aspects of their lives. 

Here we can see Calvin attempt to have a more positive, open-mindset to doing his schoolwork but fails as his "brain always rejects attitude transplants". This is a perfect example of having a closed-mindset as he is letting an outside force (his brain) affect the effort he puts in to his schoolwork.

Here, we can see Calvin perfectly describe what it is like to have an open-mindset. It starts with evaluating the problem, breaking it down to more manageable pieces, developing a plan, and following through. However, for Calvin, it is difficult for him to attribute this to his school life.