Calvin's Patterns

Inside of School

Calvin does not have a lot of motivation when it comes to a typical classroom and work-life setting.  Most times, Calvin is seen as having no motivation to start his assignments or schoolwork, or if he does start, he does not have the perseverance to complete them. 

Calvin is seen multiple times (one example shown below) where he is at a certain stage of self-motivation, such as self-evaluating his learning, developing a plan to complete an assignment, or aligning his personal goals to his academic goals, but he is unable to complete every aspect of the theory. 

Here, we can see Calvin really set his goals for his future and his desire to know if he is currently on the path to achieve those goals. We also have Ms. Wormwood helping Calvin set a plan, such as studying hard, and linking that to his long term goals of doing well when he leaves. However, as it is school related, we can see Calvin almost immediately give up, which helps to showcase his lack of perseverance to stick with his plan.

Outside of School

Calvin has a very open view to learning what he describes as a "real-world" lesson. He is consistently seen as having a lot of motovation to explore and learn outside of school, as well creating a plan to learn more and actively working to achieve those goals. We can also see how when these goals are not reached (such as being able to not go to school), he re-evaluates and tries again. His motivation never fails him.