Teacher Tips

We have previously discussed how to teach self-regulation in the classroom, but what methods can we give to Mrs. Wormwood specifically for Calvin? If we Again think about the SRL phases we can come up with some examples:


Since Calvin struggles with self-regulation and a fixed mindset Mrs. Wormwood first needs to foster more of an environment where an open mindset is allowed. Calvin struggles with having a positive outlook on his learning. He receives a lot of negative feedback from teachers and other students. If Mrs. Wormwood showed more positive reinforcement and positive criticism, then Calvin may be more inclined to pay attention and act accordingly. Calvin has developed a fixed mindset because everyone around him continuously tells him he is not smart enough or that he is going to fail. If you harbor a classroom where failure is okay and part of the learning process then Calvin may try harder.  

Also harboring a classroom full of critical thinking and strategic planning would then incorporate goal setting. As a teacher, you could set goals for the class to achieve along with individual students. This would then help Calvin understand how to set achievable goals. 

Performance phase

Another issue is relevance. Since it is harder for kids to regulate their emotions, therefore they will have a harder time regulating their learning.  Calvin loses interest in things that he believes don't have a connection to him. As a teacher, if Mrs. Wormwood was able to include more personality in her assignments, she would connect deeper to Calvin. This would help with his attention in the classroom and keep him more on task. When a student is bored then they are unable to concentrate. Involving more of Calvin's interests and allowing for more freedom in the form of assignments would help.  Calvin learns more through physically experiencing what he learns. If it was science, he would benefit from projects that he could construct and test the ideas.  More hands-on activities would help Calvin as well to stay focused and on task. 

Mrs. Wormwood should consider adding more open-ended assignments. This would then give Calvin a chance to explore more concepts on his own. From these activities Calvin could hopefully learn more. 


If she also incorporated more student investigation into the work and assignments. Along with maybe journaling for more chances to allow for self-evaluation. This would help Calvin look at the work that he has done and reflect on what he could have done better. This unknowingly helps him set goals when deciding how to continue his assignment. Using the three main phases when introducing an assignment and having students incorporate them into their problem-solving abilities. including open ended activities would then allow for Calvin different avenues for figuring out the answer. He thrives in environments that he can continuously explore.