Motivational Patterns

Ms. Wormwood's Interactions & Attitude Towards Calvin:

Based on the article and the comic strip, I would argue that Calvin’s motivation in the classroom is impacted and affected by the attitude and feelings that Ms. Wormwood has towards Calvin. According to Ames, "in experimental studies, students have reported using more self-instructions and self-monitoring strategies in conditions rewarding or emphasizing self-improvement rather than social comparison and when they believed in the efficacy of effort (Ames, 1988, pg. 261)." I think that Calvin’s motivation for learning would be stronger if he felt that Ms. Wormwood believed in his efforts to engage in the classroom material (Ames, 1988, pg. 261). However, Calvin does not sense this and is discouraged by Ms. Wormwoods attitude towards him. In addition, Ms. Wormwood is stifling Calvin’s creativity and learning style by ignoring him and reprimanding him, telling him to meet her after class. Calvin’s ability to self-regulate is affected by how Ms. Wormwood interacts with Calvin, which will affect his ability to analyze his own learning process. 

Theory Application:

According to Dr. Zimmerman, "boundaries can be overcome, thus instilling in us a sense of self-efficacy for our personal and professional goals (DiBenedetto, 2011,pg.6)." Therefore, if Calvin were able to recognize that Ms. Wormwood's attitude towards him is affecting his learning, then he would be able to overcome that boundary and develop self-efficacy as well as setting personal and professional goals by monitoring his own learning process or asking for help. Dr. Zimmerman defines self-efficacy as ones belief and capability to organize and execute the tasks set for them by others and for themselves (DiBenedetto, 2011, pg.6). Calvin is struggling to not only motivate himself to accomplish a task but to examine his own learning process in the first place.

Peer's Interactions & Attitude Towards Calvin:

In this comic, Calvin's motivation to participate in extracurricular activities is impacted by the attitude and interactions of both his peers and his coach. Just like with Ms. Wormwood's attitude towards him, Calvin not only senses the animosity towards the way he is playing the game, but his peers are actually bullying him in the process. Calvin's intrinsic motivation to continue to play the game is further impacted by the response of his coach calling him a quitter when he doesn't want to play anymore. Furthermore, Calvin's lack of self awareness prevents him from seeing the perspectives of his peers and that they see the game as competition rather than just a game. If Calvin's social/emotional awareness were on point (which is difficult for any eight year old) he would be able to recognize this and self regulate his own behavior in the situation and continue to play the game. 

Theory Application:

According to Dr. Zimmerman, metacognition is an important aspect in an individual's ability to analyze not only their learning process but also their ability to interact with others (DiBenedetto, 2011, pg.6-7). In addition, Calvin is struggling with his ability to adapt and self-reflect on how his own perspective towards the ball game is affecting others. He lacks theory of the mind and social emotional awareness skills that would give him the ability to recognize that his lack of awareness is disrupting the game for others. In the last section of the panel, Calvin's persistence is questioned by his coach who simply remarks "goodbye quitter" indicating that Calvin struggles with self motivation and regulation when things get tough and this further impacted by the reaction and attitude of his coach who rather than encourage Calvin to keep going jus calls him a quitter.

Parental Interactions & Attitude Towards Calvin:

In this comic strip, Calvin's dad is trying to convince Calvin that he needs math to be able to function in a job. The problem is that Calvin's father is struggling to explain to Calvin how math will apply to the real world in a way that makes sense to Calvin. Calvin claims that their is a career that he can do without math and that is being a caveman. His father tells him that is not a real job but does try to redirect Calvin's thought process in a manner that is productive. In addition, it is worth noting that "learner characteristics (e.g., self-perceptions of ability) may also be expected to influence how students approach and respond to learning tasks (Ames, 1988, pg. 261)." 

Theory Application:

Calvin's perception of his ability is impacted by his father's inability to adapt real world knowledge is a manner that is applicable to Calvin's own creative learning process. According to Dr. Zimmerman, it is important to motivate students by "helping them to feel self-efficacious, by helping them understand and see that they are gifted in some way, he empowers students by setting high standards and providing direction (DiBenedetto, 2011, pg.7)." Unfortunately, Calvin's dad is not providing direction in a manner that sets a high standard or is motivating to Calvin to want to learn math for a valuable or productive reason.


Ames, C., & Archer, J. (1988, January 20). Achievement Goals in the Classroom: Students’ Learning Strategies and Motivation Processes .

DiBenedetto, M. K. (2011, November 4). Barry Zimmerman, development of self-regulated learning ... Barry J. Zimmerman: An educator with passion for developing self-regulation of learning through social learning.

Internet encyclopedia of philosophy. (n.d.).

T-SEL competencies: Social Awareness. T-SEL Competencies: Social Awareness - Social and Emotional Learning (CA Dept of Education). (n.d.).,backgrounds%2C%20cultures%2C%20and%20contexts.