Influences on Learning and Achievement

Choice is a big factor in students' ability to be motivated. Especially at the young age of seven students can struggle to fund purpose in assignments which in turn can lead to the quality of work and learning being sub-par. This is why explicitly teaching strategies for self regulation, applying the information through projects to the real world, and giving choice is crucial to ensure students are learning."The term authentic assessment is intended partly to convey the sense of assessment activities that are thought-provoking and engaging." (Paris & Paris 2001 Pg .95). The application through projects and/or problem-based work will highlight what is being learned will help to solidify information and measure what students know as well as being intriguing to the student.  Another way of phrasing this would be that choice enables a sense of grit/will which in turn will be shown in the quality of the work and learning. This includes taking notes/asking questions (being engaged in the content) and not procrastinating work/projects. 

Not Given Choice = Refusal to Learn 


Calvin is not interested in bats whatsoever. Due to this he is highlighting his metacognition on the topic to understand he is not motivated by bats and therefore will not learn or even do the report. 



Topic He is Interested In = Learning A lot!

Calvin is incredibly motivated to learn about Paleontology, so much so he is taking time from his free time to learn about the study of ancient life. This is a great example of what Calvin is capable compared to the bat report. His motivation to learn was exasperated when he was able to have choice over what he wants to know more about. 


 Zimmerman's Model 

Meta Cognition and the Process to Complete a Task

A big part of the self regulation model being effective is using meta cognition (thinking about thinking) as well as a lot of refection of ones thinking. The model shows the logical steps students should take while applying this theory to their work process. This includes having a plan/assessing your self in terms of what you think you are capable of, using the plan/being willing to ask and/or receive help, and then the most important aspect is reflecting on both the performance and and the planning that went into the work. Metacognition plays a role in all of the steps because the theory requires one to be aware of what they plan to do based on their skills and capability, to focus in on what the plan is a execute it thoughtfully, and remember how the the steps were processed by you brain in terms of how challenging it was as well as how your motivation levels changed throughout and why.   By focusing on this process and your thinking you will be able to progress in your skill levels and know yourself better as a learner.