What is JavaScript and its features?

JavaScript is a sophisticated computer programming language. It's a small web page portion that lets client-side script connect with users and build interactive websites. It's an interpreted object-oriented programming language. Students enrolled in a programming course are currently required to complete a variety of java assignments. Students are unable to finish their tasks on their own for a variety of reasons. They begin looking for Java Assignment Help at this stage. We can safely presume that if you are reading this article, you are a programming student. We will go into javascript in great depth in this article. We will also explain What is JavaScript and its features?

Definition of JavaScript

Javascript is a high-level programming language that's commonly used on the internet nowadays. It can be seen on both the client and server sides. Dynamic scripting, prototype-based object orientation, and first-class functions are only a few of the features. The bulk of current web pages are written in javascript, and the javascript engine is used to run it in all major web browsers. Javascript is a scripting language that aids in the development of interactive web pages. Event-driven, procedural, object-oriented, and prototype-based programming types are all supported. DOM manipulation is greatly aided by Javascript.

Modern Features of Javascript

  • Javascript as a Client-Side Language

Javascript was created as a server-side language, but it is now sometimes used as a client-side language. Because of this, javascript has become the most popular web programming language. Since javascript can be used for both server-side and client-side programming, a developer does not need to master several programming languages.

  • Platform Independent

Javascript is a software-independent language, meaning it can run on any platform, including Windows, Macintosh, Netscape-supported platforms, and others.

  • The Syntax is Similar to Java

Javascript was created as a supplement to the Java programming language. The syntax of Javascript was not meant to be identical to that of Java. However, as technology progressed, it became necessary to do so. It became simpler for developers who worked in both languages as a result of this.

  • Date and Time

Just a few programming languages have methods for dealing with date and time. Date and time are conveniently handled by Javascript's built-in functions.

  • Prototype-Based Object Model

The prototype is an intrinsic attribute of the objects in javascript. These prototypes are a pointer to other objects and contain properties that are shared by all instances of the object. Developers benefit greatly from prototypes because they make their jobs easier. This prototype-based approach gave javascript a lot of flexibility, and it inspired a lot of useful libraries like Stampit.

  • Form Validation

In today's network, forms are extremely significant. HTML was used to build the form, but that isn't it. Validation of user inputs is needed in the form. Javascript is very good at handling type validation and sending data to the server.

  • Detecting the User’s Browser and OS

While Javascript can run on any platform, the code suggests that browser and OS requirements will be required. Javascript will detect the user's browser and operating system.

Final words

In this blog, we have already explained all the detailed information about javascript including the Modern Features of Javascript. Thus we hope that our blog will become very helpful for you and it will easily clear all your confusion regarding What is JavaScript and its features? Now if you are one of the students who are troubling with their java assignments then don’t hesitate to contact us anytime. We are here offering the best java programming assignment help to students.