Perl vs Python | Major Differences Everyone Should Know

Perl is a dynamic, high-level, interpreted programming language. It was conceived in 1987 by Larry Wall. It began as a text processing programme. Such as extracting data from a specified text file and converting the text file into a different format. Perl is useful for procedural and Object-Oriented programming. Python is a general-purpose high-level programming language that is frequently used. It was designed by Guido van Rossum and the Python Software Foundation in 1991. It was primarily designed with readability in mind. Its syntax also enables programmers to express ideas in a few lines of code. In this blog you will learn Perl vs Python in detail.

Features of Perl vs Python

Perl Features

  • It entails the use of crucial technologies for processing text in order to make it compliant. Markup languages such as XML and HTML are used.

  • The Object-oriented programming syntax in Perl is easy.

  • It has a regular expression engine for converting any sort of text.

  • Perl is used to create a number of frameworks.

  • It is a platform-independent language.

  • Perl is capable of handling encrypted online data, such as e-commerce transactions.

  • Other systems, such as database servers and web servers, contain it.

  • It may be easily expanded because to the 25,000 open source modules it supports.

  • Perl is a free and open-source programming language released under the GNU General Public License.

  • Unicode is supported.

  • It works with a variety of third-party databases, including MySQL, Oracle, and others.

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Python Features

  • Python is simple to learn and use.

  • It's more expressive, which means it's easier to read and comprehend.

  • Python can run on Unix, Windows, Macintosh, and Linux, among other systems.

  • Python is a scripting language that runs on the interpreter.

  • Python is used to build graphical user interfaces (GUI).

  • Object-oriented programming is supported. Object and class concepts are created.

  • Python is compatible with a variety of programming languages, including JAVA, C++, and C.

  • Python's library is extensive. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive range of functions and modules for quick application development.

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Key Differences Between Perl vs Python

Despite the fact that Perl vs Python share many similarities, they are not identical. There are several distinctions between Python and Perl. Some of the major differences are described below:-

  • Perl, on the other hand, is named after the well-known artist "Monty Python." "Practical Extraction and Report Language" is a better description. However, it isn't a legal document.

  • A semicolon must be used at the conclusion of every statement in Perl programming. In Python programming, on the other hand, because it deals with whitespaces, it is not necessary to terminate each statement with a semicolon.

  • Perl is well-known for its text-processing capabilities, which help in reporting. Python has evolved into a general-purpose language that is used in a variety of disciplines.

  • Scalars, Numerics, Arrays, Strings, and Hashes are some of the data types available in Perl. Strings, Dictionaries, Numeric, Lists, and Tuples are the data types supported by Python programming.

  • Perl was created in 1987 by Larry Wall, whereas Python was created in 1989 by Guido van Rossum.

  • Perl emphasises support for a variety of common activities such as scanning and creation of files. Python, on the other hand, promotes a variety of common techniques such as data structure construction and object-oriented programming.


To that aim, we've outlined some of the key differences between Perl vs Python, as you can see from the table above. In terms of the applications they target, both Python and Perl are excellent options. Because of its simple and easy-to-understand code, Python is a better initial choice for a newbie than Perl. When it comes to string manipulation operations, Perl, on the other hand, beats Python. Furthermore, our Computer Science professionals may assist you with perl assignment or Python Programming Assignment Help.