
Life of Prayer:

The center of our life is the Eucharistic Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Prayer has a central role in the lives of the Daughters of St. Mary of Providence as it fosters greater untion and love for Christ, so as to be His presence in the world. Devotion to the Eucharist and to the Blessed Mother deepens our commitment and strengthens us in our daily lives.

We begin our day by praying together before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament: Morning Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours), Meditation and Mass. Other parts of the Divine Office, Rosary, Spiritual Reading, Visit Prayers, Way of the Cross and personal prayer are interspersed throughout the day.

We are committed to a weekly personal Holy Hour, a community Eucharistic Holy Hour on the day dedicated to our Founder and a Holy Hour each Thursday evening. In addition, each month one day is set aside a a day of prayer and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament and an annual retreat sustains each Daughter of St. Mary of Providence in her ministry of charity.

Memorare to Our Lady of Providence

Remember, O most faithful Lady of Providence

that you have been given to us by your Son to be our Mother.

We entrust to you our labors, bless them.

We commend to you our needs, supply them,

for we trust that whatever you ask will be done.

Show for us the same concern you manifested at Cana.

Pray for us on our pilgrimage that we may share

the faith and hope that marked your life.

Full of confidence in your power before God we place ourselves,

our loved ones and all our petitions in your providential care.

Guide us as we seek the path that will bring us closest to your Son.

Inspire us to respond in loving service and always do

whatever He tell us.


Chaplet of the Providence of God

Heart of Jesus, have pity on us.

Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Glorious St. Joseph, pray for us.

Seraphic St. Theresa, pray for us.

St. Louis Guanella, pray for us.

Blessed Clare Bosatta, pray for us.

Most Holy Providence of God, provide for us (10 times)

Repeat from the top five times

In Your Providence is our Hope!

After 5 repetitions, recite 3 Hail Mary's

All: Most Holy Trinity, through the precious Blood of Jesus, I ask for this grace... Holy Mary, angels and saints of Heaven, intercede for us. Glory be....

Eternal Father, aid us; Son of God, provide for us, Holy Spirit, inspire us.

Heart of Jesus, source of mercy, true tabernacle of the Most Holy Trinity, with great trust we present our petitions to you. Grant us the grace we ask for.

Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love entrusts me here, ever this day be at my side, to light, to guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

In Honor of St. Joseph ... Glory be...

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace. Amen.