Natural ways to stay longer in bed during sex for men

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive on the website is, "How do I last longer in bed?" Natural Remedies to Last Longer in Bed | Extend Your Sex Time We don't know if the people who ask this question actually have a serious problem like premature ejaculation or if they have a wrong idea of how long they should stay call boy jobs.

In contrast to what you see in porn, men spend an average of 5-10 minutes having an affair, and the entire process, from seduction to the end of the affair, can take up to 30 minutes. 11 things to avoid because they can kill your desire for sex are listed below. If your time is less than three minutes, you may require assistance. If you want to have more sex while you're in bed, you could try some of the suggestions below.

Regular Home Solutions for the Last longer in Bed During Sex

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables: Yes, research has shown that men who eat mostly vegetables live much longer in bed than men who don't. They have more stamina as a result of the nutrients, particularly potassium, in these vegetables and fruits.

a. Because it contains potassium, eating a banana just before having sex could help you perform better. Additionally, it offers a substantial supply of glucose. Find out more about the health advantages of bananas call boy sex.

b. Amla or gooseberry juice, which contains a good amount of iron and zinc, can help you stay in bed for longer and improve the quality of your sperm.

c. Prior to having a sexual encounter, eat a few strawberries. Its high glucose concentration and zinc content may extend your life. Take a look at what ten Bollywood stars have to say about sex, love, and more call boy whatsapp group!

2. Sugar that has been refined After a sugar rush, the "sugar slump" that follows could make you less able to keep going.

3. Reduce your smoking: It reduces blood flow to the penis and hardens your arteries. It is essential for people to comprehend that a healthy heart and blood vessels play a significant role in men's erections call boy in jaipur. Erectile dysfunction is twice as common in smokers as it is in nonsmokers.

4. Reduce your drinking: Because alcohol impairs your senses, you are not "fully" present. Therefore, it is impossible to exercise control, isn't it?

5. Exercise your abdominal and arm muscles: The majority of sexual positions require men to be on their feet and hands call boy video. This implies his center must be areas of strength for exceptionally request to endure longer. Therefore, doing body-weight exercises at home or working on the biceps, triceps, and abs at the gym can be beneficial. Additionally, exercise increases general blood flow, including to the penis, which may be of assistance.

6. Try Kegels or exercises for the pelvic floor: These exercises are mostly done to improve bladder control, but they also help keep erections going for longer. Imagine that you are peeing and trying to stop the flow free call boy. Squeeze, hold, and release 10 times, aiming to hold for 10 seconds per squeeze to ensure a long-lasting pleasure.

7. Try "edging" or biofeedback: At the point when you are nearly there (during intercourse or masturbation), shut down all sexual action. Give yourself a break for a while. You'll have more control and be able to have more sex in bed this way.

8. Try using the squeeze method: Squeeze just below the head of the penis just as you are about to orgasm for one of the best penis exercises that can improve your sexual pleasure while you are in bed call boy job bangalore. As a result, the blood from the penis is pushed back, giving you more time.

9. Prioritize foreplay and your woman more: Once in a while, attempting to get her to climax first with either your fingers or your mouth could assist with easing your pressure and assist with keeping up with your erection longer call boy job pune.

10. Get sufficient sleep: Men who got less than five hours of sleep at night had lower testosterone levels call boy website, according to University of Chicago researchers. To improve your bedtime sexual performance and extend your sexual pleasure time, it is critical that you get 7-8 hours of sleep.

11. Try yoga: Yoga asanas like the cobra pose (bhujangasana) and paschimotasana can increase sex time in bed and blood flow to the genital area.

Here you get the details of natural remedies to stay for a longer time, for more info you can refer to