How communication is vital for sexual relationships

The early phase of  a sexual relationship is referred to as the 'honeymoon phase' or 'restriction phase.' That's the stage where there's a lot more sex and you see your partner wearing rose-coloured glasses," she said. explain. But according to research  by psychologist Dorothy Tennov, this period lasts no longer than 12-36 months call boy sex.


 “After 12-36 months the novelty has worn off. You'll feel a lot more comfortable with your partner, maybe spend less time impressing them, and start to see some aspects of them that might bother you," says Jordan.“As you enter this second phase of a relationship, the  sex tends to deteriorate. That doesn't mean  you love your partner any less or find them  less attractive. You just can't biologically sustain this novelty call boy salary.

 Reasons for an Asexual Relationship: Low Libido


 Low libido is often the main reason for an asexual marriage: If one or both of you have  low libido, you may find that it takes a long time for the two of you to be together as a couple. lust for sex. Jordan Rullo explains that the causes of low desire fall into four categories:



 Psychological - Stress, anxiety, depression,  history of sexual trauma, difficulties

 Relationship - Being unhappy in a relationship, not loving your partner, having no feelings emotionally attached to  partner

 Sociocultural – negative social messages about sex, conflict with religious beliefs


 Married couples often have a libido misalignment, known to experts as “desire divergence,” in which a person tends to desire sex , while another it is not.This can be problematic; this usually leads to hostility or avoidance from the person with the higher libido, with the usual "initiator" withdrawing for fear of rejection call boy service.


 However, it is not just low libido that can be  the cause of an asexual marriage. Asexuality is a sexual identity that can be discovered later in  life, meaning a person has no desire for sex. In this case, the couple can choose to be intimate in other ways.


 In order for a positive relationship dynamic to develop, the most important thing is to open  lines of communication so that such problems can be solved together.Now for the most important part.

 Sexless Marriage


 If you are concerned about being in a sexless marriage, first try to determine if the problem is that you or your partner are feeling sexually unsatisfied or that you are mature compared to other couples call boy meaning.


 "A lot of people ask 'how much sex should we have,' rather than 'should we,'" Jordan explains. "In therapy we have a saying, 'You shouldn't blame yourself. Have as much sex as possible for both of you. It's not about comparing yourself to others because others are different.Comparing yourself to others will not make you happier in your marriage."

But when one or both people in a couple are concerned about the scarcity or loss of a sexual relationship, it needs to be addressed. Here are some  things you can do to  improve the situation:




 “Don't talk during sex or when you or your partner start sex. Choose a neutral, non-sexual moment where there is intimacy and no time pressure,” suggests Jordan. "Go into the conversation with the aim of understanding and being understood better, not with the aim of being right or right." Another tip?"When you start a conversation, speak for yourself. Use 'I' statements (like 'I'll be sad if we don't have sex') rather than 'you' statements (like 'You'll never start again, will you?'" ) do I find attractive?”


 Compromise – meaning you're both  



 “Talk to your partner about what sex means to you and the ingredients you need to be open to sex. Then train with your partners how to meet your needs  and how to meet theirs.“Remember that  your needs and desires are important, and it's important to determine how you want to achieve the level of sexual satisfaction for both people—both inside and outside  of marriage call boy job salary


 Building Intimacy


 Needs Tending to Thrive A good way to enhance and strengthen intimacy is to find something in common that you can share regularly. These things don't have to be sexual - it's just as important to connect intellectually and emotionally to build a strong relationship


 "Talk to your partner about the type of intimacy you want to explore, and then create a plan of action," says Jordan.“Perhaps each week you and your partner  initiate a different type of intimacy.


 Jordan encourages you to have this experience "without pressure or expectations." It's just exploration and the goal is just connection. End of the journey."


 Talk to a therapist


 In some cases, honesty and clear communication can be enough to restore sexual intimacy. But otherwise, that's okay too: there are people who can help.Sex therapy and couples counselling help couples communicate their sexual wants, desires, and needs in a healthy and productive way call boy job.


 "Once a couple understands each other, the therapist can help them find a compromise that meets the needs of both partners and doesn't lead to resentment," says Jordan, adding that the therapist  also gives the couples some "sensory attention exercises." - a series of nudes exploring sensual, not necessarily sexual, touch - to help them increase desire and realign their sexuality.Visit now and enjoy your life.