Koknese. Latvia



All partner students and teachers visited the Latvian school

Spanish/Catalan students group A

Spanish/Catalan students group B

Team in Latvia

Belgian students in Latvia

Lithuanian students in Latvia



FIRST DAY CONNEXION 26th of January,2022

Latvian students showed their outdoor play area making a snowman and writing words with snow in their school wall.

These are the presentations Latvia joint with us to know Irsi Parish (where the school is ) inside Koknese area and the famous legend they have about "Catfish ".

Working In The School reduit.m4v

How we work in the school.

Koknese municipality.

Koknese tourism information center.

"CATFISH " legend

Riga in winter

Working in the school

SECOND DAY CONNEXION 27th of January,2022

It was the day where all partners shared a plastic activity about Elita Patmalniece's work. We also did together a Kahoot prepared by Latvian teachers. It was about information received during the first virtual mobility day presentations.

Shared plastic activity proposal.

Latvian students

Catalan students

Belgian students

Lithuanian students

THIRD DAY CONNECTION 28th of January,2022

It was the day where Latvian students showed us some videos about Latvia; Riga, the country' s capital during summer and winter and an interview with Elita Patmalniece. This interview was made in Latvian language but our partner sent us a list with the questions and answers that the interviewer made her.

These 3 presentations helped us to know much more about the Latvian artist : Elita Patmalniece.

Elita' s life and work.

Interview to Elita.

Elita's studio.