
Calculator is a website that is used for mathematical calculations like addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. It is used to perform mathematical operations. It is one of the most useful machines that are used in our daily life. It is also known as an adding Simple online Calculator is used in our daily life. We use calculator to calculate the salary of our employees, the amount of money that we earn in our business, the amount of money that we spend on our daily routine, the amount of money that we will get after some time, the amount of tax that has to be paid to the government and so on. We can say that calculator is the most important machine in the daily life of the people.

online calculator

A online calculator  allows a user to perform mathematical calculations quickly and easily. It is a device that helps users to carry out complex mathematical operations. There are many types of calculators available in the market. The most commonly used calculator is the scientific calculator that is used in the calculation of complex problems. It comes with a large LCD that allows the user to clearly see the numbers and the operation being performed. It is a very user-friendly calculator. Another type of calculator is the graphing calculator. It is used in schools and colleges in the teaching of math. It is a scientific calculator with a manual interface. It helps in the study of various graphs and charts in a more effective way.