
A calculator is a small hand-held or portable electronic device used to perform the basic operations of arithmetic. The first calculating devices, including the abacus, were used in the ancient world. The first recorded mechanical calculator invented in the West was the odometer, invented in the 1st century AD, while the first recorded wind-up calculator was the Greek Anaphoric clock invented in the 3rd century BC. The world's first recorded mechanical calculator designed for use by people was the innovation of Blaise Pascal, who invented the mechanical calculator in 1642. You can used this also online calculator

Let's face it: Math class was never anyone's favorite class. Sure, we all learned to count and do basic addition and subtraction, but we never learned anything more advanced than that. We weren't even taught how to divide numbers! And if you're anything like me, dividing a large number by a smaller one is a bit of a struggle. Luckily, there are plenty of online calculators that can help us out. Some calculators can even do complex computations, such as the quadratic formula, for us. Others can change a fraction to a decimal or a decimal to a fraction for us. But no matter what, there's a calculator out there for you.